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abandon (S) WAR; abandonment (S) WAR
abhor (Q, OS, S) PHEW, (R) DYEL; abhorrence (S) DYEL
abide (R) NDOR; abide by (Q) KHIM; abiding (Q, S) STAN, (S) KHIM
ablebodied men, troop of (S) WEG
abominable (S) DYEL
abound (R, S) UB; abundance (Q) UB; abundant (Q) GALA, (Q, S, A:) UB
about (R, S) OS
above (S) ORO
abundance (Q) UB; abundant (Q) GALA; abundant (Q, S, A) UB
account (noun) (OS, S) NAR2, (Q) KWET/PET; chronological account (Q) LU
acre (A) RED
across (R) THAR, (S) (prefix) AT(AT)
active (Ilk) LEK
actor (Q) KAR (rewritten >) (Q) KYAR (see KAR)
actual (Q?) ANA2
acute (Q) TER/TERES, (R, Q, S) LAIK; acuteness (Q) LAIK
adhere (R) KHIM, LEB/LEM; adhering (Q) KHIM
adult (Q) WEG; adult male (R, Q, OS, S) DER
Adurant (Ilk) AT(AT)
[advesperascit] (OS, S) WIN/WIND
Ælfwine (Q) NIL/NDIL, (Q) SER
affect (R, S, OS) PERES, affected (of vowel, sc. mutated, umlauted) (S) PERES; affection (= love) (S) MEL; affection of vowels (= umlaut) (S) PERES
again (R, Q, S) AT(AT), (Q) [TAT]
age (A, Q, OS, S) RAD; suffering from old age (S) GENG-WÂ; aged (S, OS?) YEN
agent (Q) KAR (rewritten >) KYAR (see KAR)
agile (R, Q, S) KYELEK
Aglon (S) LOD
ago (R, Q, S) YA
agony (Q) KWAL
Ainu, Ainur, Aini (Q) AYAN
air (as substance) (S) WIL, (Q:) WIS; 'air' as a region (S) WIL; lower air (Q) AIWÊ, (A, Q, S, Ilk:) WIL; upper air (Q:) SPAN; air (music) (Q, S) LIN2, [GLIN]
Aiwenor (Q) AIWÊ
alas (S, Q) NAY
Alataire (Q) AYAR/AIR
Alchoron (S; Q) AR2, LA
Aldalemnar (Q) GALAD, YEN
Aldaron (Q) GÁLAD
alive (Q, S) KUY; to be alive (S) KUY
all (R, Q) IL; all that is wanted (Q) PHAR
allegiance to, hold (S) BEW
allow (R, Q) DAB
Almáriel (Q) GALA
alone (Q, S) ERE; be alone (R) ERE
alphabet (Q) TEK
Alqalonde (spelt Alqualondë in the published Silmarillion) (Q; S) KHOP cf. LOD
alter (R) PERES
Ambaróne (Q) AM2
Amon Ereb (S) ERE
Amon Uilos (S) OY [GEY]
amputate (S) OS
Ancalagon (S) ÁLAK, NAK
ancient (Q, S) YA, (S) GENG-WÂ
andatektha (OS) TEK (see andeith)
and yet (Q) NDAN
andeith (longmark) (S; OS) TEK (but this form is obsoleted by andaith in LotR Appendix E)
Andfang (S) ÁNAD/ANDA
Andolat (Q) NDOL
Andúnie (Q) NDÛ
Anfang (S) ÁNAD/ANDA; Anfang, Andfang (S) SPÁNAG
angelic spirit (Q) AYAN
angle (R, S) BEN, (S) NAS
Angolonn (S) ÑGOL
Angrod (S) RAUTÂ
animal's foot (R, OS, S) POTÔ (Note: the double OS and S forms listed are not alternatives, but sg and pl)
Annals (S) YEN
anniversary day (S) YEN
approach (R) TUL
Aran Dinnu (S) THIN, TIN (but rather *Aran Tinnu in mature Sindarin, with revised lenition rules)
Araume (OS; A, S, Q) ORÓM
Araw (S; A, OS, Q) ORÓM, (S; Q) ROM
arch (S) KU3
Ardh-thoren (S) GARAT (see under 3AR p. 360)
Ardholen (S) GAT(H)
Argad (Ilk) AR2
Argador (Ilk) AR2, GAT(H)
Ariad (Falathrin) AR2
Ariador (Ilk, Falathrin) AR2, ÉLED, GAT(H)
Arien (Q) AR1
arm (A, Q, OS, S) RAK
Aros (Ilk; S) YAR
arose (OS) ORO
arrange (OS) PAR
arrow (Q) PÍLIM
art (S) MAG, under MA3
Arthoren (S) GARAT (see under 3AR p. 360)
Arthurien (S/Ilk) GARAT (see under 3AR p. 360), THUR
article (for exchange) (S) MBAKH
Arveruen (Q) BES
Aryante (Q; S) AR1, (Q) ANA1
Askar (Ilk) SKAR
asleep (Q) LOS
assembly (A, S) KHOTH
associate (OS, Q) THEL/THELES, (OS, S, Q) TOR
at peace (Q) SED
Atalante (Q) DAT/DANT
Aule, Aulë (Q; S) GAWA/GOWO cf. BEL; Aulë, surname of (Q, S) TAN
authority - having (divine) authority or power (Q) BAL
Autumn (Q) DAT/DANT; autumn (Q) NAR1, (Q, S) LAS1, (S) KWEL
Avakúma (Q) AWA, OY
Avalóna (Q) LONO
Avari (Q, S, OS) AB/ABAR (but Afor pl Efuir, Efyr are not valid words in mature Sindarin, as they are obsoleted by pl. Evair in WJ:380, sg. *Avar - the word was known only to the Loremasters and not in common use)
awake (R) KUY; awakening (noun) (Q, S) KUY
away (R) 3O (p. 360), AWA
awful (S) TÁWAR, TUR
axe-blade (Q, A) SYAD; axe-stroke (A, S) SYAD

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