Department of Social Anthropology
bsas seminar

Department seminar: Sarah Tobin

The Department of Social Anthropology is happy to announce the upcoming seminar with Dr. Sarah Tobin, Senior Researcher at Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI). The title of the lecture is "Sectarianism and Identity Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan".

Syrian image
Bethany Saul

Main content

Seminar paper

Sectarianism and Identity Among Syrian Refugees in Jordan

The Jordanian government asserts that over one million Syrian refugees reside in the country, sharing with the populace many concerns about this large influx and settlement of "foreigners." However, such anxieties are defined in terms of economic impact and security threats. The vital role played by vernacular politics, discourses of inclusion and exclusion, and sectarian histories for Syrian subjectivities are often considered unimportant when examining possibilities for integration or coexistence of Syrian refugees in Jordan.

Based on ethnographic research and participation in women's religion classes in a Syrian refugee camp in Jordan in 2014, I argue that while sectarian outlooks and perspectives may not in and of themselves appear to divide the majority of Syrian refugees in Jordan from the majority of Jordanian residents, the sectarian orientations and localized histories of Syrian refugees have an understudied potential to create new forms of divisiveness in Jordanian society. To dismiss any concerns raised, Jordanians reinforce the idea that sectarian discourses, in an objectified sense, are not welcome in Jordan and that they are even-as a few asserted-"against Islam." These differing national experiences with vernacular politics expressed in sectarian terms prompt Jordanians to reinforce the narrative that Jordan is free of such divisions and will continue to remain so.

About the lecturer

Dr. Sarah Tobin's work explores transformations in religious and economic life, identity construction, and personal piety in Jordan, including Syrian refugee camps. She is the author of  Everyday Piety: Islam and Economy in Jordan (Cornell UP, 2016).

Light refreshments will be served in the Corner Room after the seminar. All interested are welcome!