The University Gardens

Dry firewood logs from the Arboretum

Every winter some of the trees are cut down to make room for new plantings both in the Arboretum and in the Botanical Garden. This wood is for sale and can be collected at the Arboretum.

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Price per half cord (0,60x2x1 metre) = 1,2m3 for self-collection: NOK 800.

The log length is 60 cm, but 30 cm logs are also available with an additional cost of NOK 300 per half cord.

The majority of the wood is from various trees in the Arboretum, like hemlock, spruce, pine, and various deciduous trees.

The proceeds of the sale of firewood go to the care and maintenance of our plant collections.

To order wood, please call:
Alf Helge Søyland at tel. 97 17 13 15 or the administrative office at 55 58 72 50.