Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

CCBIO Newsletter

Be updated on CCBIO's activities and news.

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Ingvild Melien

Main content

CCBIO started issuing a newsletter to the extended CCBIO family in September 2014. The newsletter has focus on news and events at CCBIO and other matters of relevance for CCBIO. In combination with the CCBIO website ccbio.no, the newsletter, supplemented by round-mails, will be CCBIOs preferred means of distributing information.

If you wish to receive CCBIO's newsletter each time we issue a new one, and be informed when CCBIO issues invitations to events, please send an e-mail to eli.vidhammer@uib.no and ask to be added to the mailing list.

See archive of CCBIO's newsletters here as pdfs below.
