Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

CCBIO collaboration project achieved EU funding

The TRANSCAN program (European Research Area Network on Translational Cancer Research) has just announced their allocation of funding.

EU flag and Norwegian flag together with cancer research microscope photo
EU funding for Norwegian cancer research
colourbox and CCBIO collage

Main content

One of ten chosen projects

A project that CCBIO’s Professor Lars A. Akslen participates in, were among the ten projects that were singled out. Norway contributes as a partner in three of these. The Bergen project focuses on genetics of malignant melanoma and is titled "Identification of genetic markers involved in development of metastasis 
and second cancers in melanoma."

International cooperation

Four other countries are involved: Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and Latvia. Coordinator from the Norwegian side is Professor Anders Molven from Gades Laboratory for Pathology, Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen.

Drs. Per Helsing and Per A. Andresen at Oslo University Hospital are also partners in the Norwegian node. The project is directed by Prof. Rajiv Kumar in Heidelberg, a long-time collaborator of Akslen and Straume at CCBIO.