Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

2016 - Lavina Ahmed

Born 1983, holds an M.S. in Molecular Medicine from the University of Sussex and in 2011 started as a PhD in the Akslen group. This was a combined academic-industrial PhD project, in collaboration with BerGenBio AS, focused on the validation of Axl antibodies and studies of Axl expression in breast cancer and other tumors.

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Lavina Ahmed got her PhD November 2nd 2016 at the University of Bergen with the dissertation "Axl as a Biomarker in Breast and Lung Cancer".
Supervisors were Professor Lars A. Akslen, Dr. David Micklem and Dr. Hawa Nalwoga. See press release.

She moved on to work at BerGenBio AS.

See Lavina's publications and projects here.