Department of Philosophy
Bergen Ancient Philosophy Symposium 2016

Myth, Ritual and Initiation in Plato's Republic

A conference bringing together researchers from several countries and traditions to investigate central aspects of Plato's work.

Entrance to cave and the sunset in desert mountains

Main content


Thursday 2 June

Session 1—Chair: Olof Pettersson

10.00-10:15: Welcome

10:15-11:30: KEYNOTE: Battleground: Heroes, Warriors, and Poets in a Philosopher’s Recollection
Claudia Baracchi

11:45-13:00: Contemplation, Initiation, and Imitation in Plato’s Republic
Kristian Larsen

13:00-14:15: Lunch

Session 2—Chair: Gro Rørstadbotten

14:15-15:30: The Myth of Time in Plato's Republic
Kristin Sampson

15:45-17:00: The Goddess of the Republic and Plato's Academic Thiasos
Hayden Ausland


Friday 3 June

Session 3—Chair: Oda Tvedt

10:15-11:30: KEYNOTE: The Myth of Er as a Protreptic Initiation
Pierre Destrée

11:45-13:00: Myths and Imitation: Does Republic X Rule Out State Myths?
Franco Trivigno

13:00-14:15: Lunch

Session 4—Chair: Hallvard Fossheim

14:15-15:30: Shaping and Turning the Soul: Myth and Education in Plato's Republic
Vivil Haraldsen

15:30-16:00: Shared discussion (plans, projects, possibilities)


All are most cordially welcome to attend the symposium. Attendance is free of charge. For logistical reasons, registration is compulsory. Please send an email by 27 May to charlotte.hallberg@uib.no in order to register.