Employee Pages

Guidelines for UiB's employee pages

Guidelines for editorial content, operations and maintenance of the employee pages at the University of Bergen.

Main content

The guidelines only apply to local website editors and content producers.

For user support and to provide feedback for the editorial team, contact the Communication division

Roles and editorial responsibilities

  • The Communication division has the editorial responsibility for the employee pages.
  • Each unit in the central administration is responsible for its own content. This includes the production and updates of content pages, messages for the front page and calendar notices, including for the pages in English.

Operation and maintenance

  • Everyone working on content production for the website is required to have completed a course in online publishing.
  • Failure to comply with the guidelines will be followed up by the editors in charge and by the director of the unit in question.
  • Editorial councils about the employee pages will be held regularly. The Communication division is responsible for convening these.
  • The employee pages must be updated whenever appropriate by the local content producers, in line with applicable guidelines.

Front page

Each unit of the central administration produces its own news/messages for the front page. Messages must use the "news page" format. The Communication division manages the selection of news on the front page.

News on the front page must be of general interest to UiB employees. This may include:

  • Deadlines/deadline reminders
  • Information about bigger internal events
  • Strategic news from UiB management
  • Information about common services (for all employees)
  • Information about welfare offers for employees
  • System messages

Calendar notifications

The calendar on the employee pages shall contain internal events, administrative deadlines and courses relevant to all employees. Each unit is responsible for entering the events relevant to the employees. 

The following guidelines apply to calendar listings:

  • Brief and informative title describing the event
  • Norwegian listings for the employee pages in Norwegian. Remember to use the right template and area when entering the listing.
  • Time - Place - Date. Also include any sign-up deadline and the end of the event.
  • Clear link to the programme and forms, or other sign-up information.
  • Information about any fees
  • Calendar listings must also generally have a small picture in order to be visible in the news field on the front page of the employee pages.
  • Remove courses and events that have concluded.

Calendar listings that are published elsewhere (Faculty, project or conference websites, for instance) but that are relevant to employees, must be shared using the "Share" functionality under the editing tab.

Images and illustration photos

The publication tool allows you to enter a small or a large photo. News or calendar listings that are to be highlighted on the front page of the employee pages must have a small or large picture in order for the editorial team to pull it up.

For information about UiB's image databases

More information about image processing (Norwegian only)

Employee pages

The content on the employee pages in English shall reflect the Norwegian pages as much as possible. The department directors, in collaboration with the local website editors, determine which information is to be made available in English. The departments are thus also responsible for creating new pages and updates/revisions of the content in English.

For larger revisions or the creation of new pages in English, a translation agency shall be used. UiB has a framework agreement with a translation agency. 

Like for the pages in Norwegian, the Communication division has the overarching responsibility for the English front page. The selection of news and calendar listings must be directed to the target group for these pages, and not just copy the front page of the employee pages in Norwegian.

Checklist for website editors:

  • Graphic profile, interactive design and menu items – are changes needed?
  • Is the content up-to-date and relevant?
  • Can out-of-date or old content be removed/deleted?
  • Must new content be created?
  • Is all content presented in accordance with the UiB guidelines for online writing and language policy?
  • Is the contact information for individuals or shared emails updated?
  • Has the content been quality assured?
  • Do all the links work?
  • Are all documents that are included correct and in the most updated version?