Centre for Geobiology
H2020 project funded

Ground-breaking deep sea habitat project funded

Professor Hans Tore Rapp, a theme leader at the Centre for Geobiology (CGB), wil lead the interdisciplinary Horison 2020 (H202) project.

Deep sea sponge

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Upon learning that the project, “SponGES: Deep-sea Sponge Grounds Ecosystems of the North Atlantic” had been funded, Rapp told the UiB News services:

“This is great news for our research environment. The project is a result of a commitment through many years on deep sea research at the Department of Biology and the Centre for Geobiology. It fits perfectly into UiB’s new strategy, which commits itself to marine research and climate research. We are establishing a national centre for deep sea research, and this is the best start we could wish for.”

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