Department of Geography

PhD seminar in Economic Geography/Human Geography

Tuesday 22. February 10.15-12.00 Department of Geography M744

Main content

Brita Hermelin Associate Professor at the Department of Human Geography, Stockholm University http://people.su.se/~brher/  will as part of our research collaboration and Erasmus exchange program visit our department in Feb. 

As part of this event will we invite you to a PhD Seminar organised by the Economic geography, regional development and planning (ECREG) research team. Two presentations by PhD students/master students will be given reflecting ongoing research. The presentations will be the basis for comments and a roundtable discussion.  The seminar does in particular address PhD-students/master students and researchers in Economic Geography/Human Geography.


Deadline for abstract submission: 1. Feb. (max 100 words). 

Programme decision (ECREG-team) 2. Feb.


For further information contact: Grete.Rusten@geog.uib.no