Faculty of Law

Post doctoral scholarship to Maja Janmyr

Maja Janmyr has been granted a personal post doctoral scholarship from The Norwegian Research Council under the programme FRIPRO.

Maja Janmyr
Magnus Halsnes

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Under this round of applications the success rate for social science and humanities projects was 13.8 %, and Maja Janmyr received one of only nine personal post doctoral scholarships that were awarded. The total amount of applications was 75.

The theme of Maja’s ph.d. dissertation was human rights and refugees in Uganda, and in December she finished a two-year stint as a research fellow on the project ‘Migration to Norway’.

In her new project she turns her attention towards refugees in the Middle East.  As in her doctoral project, she will concentrate on refugees and their human rights from a legal-sociological and empirical perspective. The four year project will entail several extensive field trips, amongst others in Lebanon and Turkey. The very large number of refugees in the region represents very serious human rights and security challenges.

- This type of research often depends on external funding. The funding from the research council makes it possible to carry out the field trips I have planned, says Maja.
- I am very much looking forward to commencing my work on this project now in early 2015.

More information

See the pdf file ‘FIRHUMSAM 2015 - Projects granted funding’ on The Research Counsil of Norways webpage to read more about the project and the other projects that received funding.