Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

The ARK intervention programme

This spring, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will implement the ARK intervention programme (Arbeidsmiljø- og klimaundersøkelsen ARK) amongst the faculty employees. The faculty management wishes to use this survey to find out how you experience the work environment in your department.


Main content

This survey has been developed by and for the higher education sector.

Shortly, you will receive an email where you will find a link to a questionnaire with questions about how you perceive your work environment. Take this opportunity to let us know how you are doing! The purpose of this work environment survey is to get even better at what we are already doing well, and to make adjustments where this is necessary.

Those who are hired after 1 January 2017, or in a position that is 20% or less, will not receive the questionnaire.

If you want to find out more about ARK, you can read more here.