Faculty of Humanities

News archive for Faculty of Humanities

Kari Holdhus has just finished her Ph.D. project on school concerts. She has been looking at the questions "how do school concerts work", and "what is the quality".
Ekaterina Skvortcova will give an outline of the three main ensembles in the suburbs of Saint-Petersburg – Peterhof, Tsarskoye Selo and Pavlovsk.
Two of the foremost experts on Wittgenstein's philosophy visit the Wittgenstein Archives at the University of Bergen this year.
Human Rights is a thriving endeavor in the corridors of courthouses, in political arenas, and in the halls of academia. Even in academia, however, it is usually reserved for Law Schools and departments of Political Science.
- Many of the students have chosen Chinese studies from a strong personal interest, but they will have to think about job prospects as well, says the new associate professor of Chinese, Dr. Zhao Shouhui. He believes the relationship between Norway and China will grow closer in the future, and that the job market will benefit from this.