Centre for Nutrition

The opening of Centre for Nutrition

On Monday 30 January 2017 there was a formal opening of the Centre for Nutrition in the grand auditorium at Haukeland University Hospital. Rector of UiB, Dag Rune Olsen, was among those who gave an opening speech for the new centre.

Anne Sidsel Herdlevær

Main content


Program for the opening seminar:



Opening speech/greetings

Nils Erik Gilhus, Head of Department of Clinical Medicine


Dag Rune Olsen, Rector UiB
Nina Langeland, Dean of The faculty of medicine and dentistry
Clara B. Gjesdal, Deputy dir. of Haukeland University Hospital
Sveinung Hole, CEO of Bergen Research Foundation BFS
Ole Arve Misund, CEO of NIFES

10.25-10.35: Centre for NutritionGülen Arslan Lied, Head of Centre for Nutrition
10.35-11.00: Disease-related malnutritionRandi Tangvik, Head of National Advisory Unit on Disease-Related Malnutrition, OUS
11.00-11.20: Obesity research and nutritionGunnar Mellgren
11.20-11.40: Overweigth and obesity among children - possibilities for treatmentPetur Juliusson
11.40-12.00: Nutrition and vitamin D statusJutta Dierkes
12.00-13.00: Lunch 
13.00-13.20: Nausea and nutrition in early pregnancyJone Trovik
13.20-13.40: Cardiovascular diseases and dietOttar Nygård
13.40-14.00: Health effects of marine proteinsOddrun Gudbrandsen
14.00-14.20: Marine research and diabetesBjørn Liaset
14.20-14.35: Break 
14.35-14.55: User perspectiveDag Einar Liland
14.55-15.15: Bowel flora, healt and dietGülen Arslan Lied
15.15-15.35: Global nutritionIngunn Engebretsen
15.35-15.40: End