Richard Johan Natvig's picture

Richard Johan Natvig

Emeritus, Study of Religion
  • E-mailrichard.natvig@uib.no
  • Visitor Address
    Øysteins gate 3
    5007 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7805
    5020 Bergen

My research interests include local religion in Egypt (19th to 20th centuries), zar spirit possession beliefs and rituals in Northeast Africa and the Middle East, Islam in Bulgaria, and Muslim religious iconography. My research on religion in Norway includes Islam, Theosophy, and Norse religion.

"Den teosofiske losjen ‘Klippen’: Alternativ religiøsitet på Leirvik i Stord på 1920-talet", in Tidsskrift for kulturforskning 2020, forthcoming.

"Umm Gumyāna and the Zār", in From the Fjords to the Nile: Essays in honour of Richard Holton Pierce on his 80th birthday, edited by Pål Steiner, Alexandros Tsakos and Eivind Heldaas Seland, Archeopress Archaeology, 2018 (ISBN 978 1 78491 776 0), 88 - 97.

Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe, ed. by Ingvild Flaskerud and Richard J. Natvig, in the series Routledge Studies in Pilgrimage, Religious Travel and Tourism, Routledge, 2017 (https://www.routledge.com/Muslim-Pilgrimage-in-Europe/Flaskerud-Natvig/p...).

"‘I Saw the Prophet in My Dream’: Prophet Songs from a Zar Ceremony in Lower Egypt", in British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 41 (2014), 3, 306 - 321. Published on-line: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13530194.2014.888263.

"Umm al-Ghulam: Zār Spirit or Half-Forgotten Saint? Making Sense of an Egyptian Zār Song", in Folklore 124 (December 2013), 289-306, published online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0015587X.2013.812417#.UyGZcV51Ho2

"Zar in Upper Egypt: Hans Alexander Winkler’s Field Notes from 1932", in Islamic Africa 1 (2010): 11-30, available at: http://www.jstor.org/stable/42656313.

  • Unpublished fieldnotes on zar in Egypt
  • Zar songs from Egypt
  • The Zar-Bori Complex: A Contribution to the History of the Zar
  • In the Best of Families: Zar in the Palaces of Ottoman Egypt
  • Figural representations in contemporary Shi'i devotional pictures
  • Sitt Demiyana Revisited: Visitors at a Coptic Pilgrimage Site in the 1830s
Fields of competence