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Eivind Senneset, UiB

Thomas Lorentzen

  • E-mailthomas.lorentzen@uib.no
  • Phone+47 55 58 91 84+47 938 90 496
  • Visitor Address
    Rosenbergsgaten 39
    5015 Bergen
  • Postal Address
    Postboks 7802
    5020 Bergen


Hansen H‐T, Lorentzen T. (2018) Work and welfare‐state trajectories in Norway over two decades: Has the goal of getting more people into work been achieved?. International Journal of Social Welfarehttps://doi.org/10.1111/ijsw.12354

Jakobsen, V., Korpi, T., & Lorentzen, T. (2018). Immigration and Integration Policy and Labour Market Attainment Among Immigrants to Scandinavia. European Journal of Population. doi:10.1007/s10680-018-9483-3

Lorentzen, T., Bäckman, O., Ilmakunnas, I., & Kauppinen, T. (2018). Pathways to Adulthood: Sequences in the School-to-Work Transition in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Social Indicators Research. doi:10.1007/s11205-018-1877-4

Minas, R., Jakosen, V., Kauppinen, T., Korpi, T., & Lorentzen, T. (2018). The governance of poverty: Welfare reform, activation policies, and social assistance benefits and caseloads in Nordic countries. Journal of European Social Policy, 1-14. doi:https://doi.org/10.1177/0958928717753591

Bäckman, O., Jakobsen, V., Lorentzen, T., Österbacka, E., & Dahl, E. (2015). Early school leaving in Scandinavia: Extent and labour market effects. Journal of European Social Policy. doi:10.1177/0958928715588702

Moisio, P., Lorentzen, T., Bäckman, O., Angelin, A., Salonen, T., & Kauppinen, T. (2014). Trends in the Intergenerational Transmission of Social Assistance in the Nordic Countries in the 2000s. European Societies, 17, 73-93.

Kjekshus, L. E., Bernstrøm, V., Dahl, E. & Lorentzen, T. (2014) The effect of hospital mergers on long-term sickness absence among hospital employees: affixed effects multivariate regression analysis using panel data. BMC Health Service Research, DOI: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-50

Kauppinen, T. M., Angelin, A., Lorentzen, T., Bäckman, O., Salonen, T., Moisio, P., & Dahl, E. (2014). Social background and life-course risks as determinants of social assistance receipt among young adults in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Journal of European Social Policy, 24, 273-288.

Lorentzen, T., Angelin, A., Dahl, E., Kauppinen, T., Moisio, P., & Salonen, T. (2014). Unemployment and economic security for young adults in Finland, Norway and Sweden: From unemployment protection to poverty relief. International Journal of Social Welfare, 23, 41-51

Lorentzen, T., Dahl, E., & Harslof, I. (2012). Welfare risks in early adulthood: A longitudinal analysis of social assistance transitions in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, 408-421.

Dahl, E., Fløtten, T. and Lorentzen, T. (2008) “Poverty dynamics and social exclusion – an analysis of Norwegian panel data.” Journal of Social Policy, 37, 231-249.

Dahl, E. and Lorentzen, T (2007) ”Arbeidsrettede tiltak for sosialhjelpsmottakere: seleksjon, effekter og politiske implikasjoner.” Søkelys på arbeidslivet24: 149-158.

Lorentzen, T. (2007) ”Det ligger an til økte krav.” Velferd96(1): 26-29.

Lorentzen, T. (2006) “Income Dynamics in Norwegian Families on Social Assistance: A panel study of a social assistance cohort.” European Journal of Social Security, 8, 279-299

Lorentzen, T., E. Løken and S. Trygstad (2006) “Den nye staten: Omstillingenes effekter på ansattes fravær og trygdemottak”. Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet2, 249-259

Løken, E., S. Trygstad og T. Lorentzen (2005) "Den nye staten: Omfang og effekter av omstillingene i staten 1990–2004" Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet, 2, 249-259

Lorentzen, T. and E. Dahl (2005) "Active labour market programmes in Norway: are they helpful for social assistance recipients?" Journal of European Social Policy15 (1): 27-45

Dahl, E. and T. Lorentzen (2005) "What works for whom? An analysis of active labour market programmes in Norway" International Journal of Social Welfare, 14: 86-98

Dahl, E. og T. Lorentzen (2003) “Explaining exit to work among social assistance recipients in Norway: Heterogeneity or Dependency?” European Sociological Review, 19(5):519-536

Dahl, E. and T. Lorentzen (2003) "Dynamics of social Assistance. The Norwegian Experience in International Perspective" International Journal of Social Welfare, 12 (4), 289-301


Books and book chapters:

Bäckman, O., Jakobsen, V., Lorentzen, T., & Österbacka, E. (Forthcoming). Early School Leaving and Labour Market Inclusion in the Nordic Countries In R. Halvorsen & B. Hvinden (Eds.), Youth, Diversity and Employment. Edward Elgar.

Dahl, E. & Lorentzen (2017) Employment Policy and Social Investment in Norway. In Wright, A., Midgley, J. & Dahl. E. Social Investment and Social Welfare: International and Critical Perspectives. Edward Elgar

Minas, R., Bäckman, O., Jakobsen, V., Korp, T., Lorentzen, T. & Kauppinen (2014) Rescaling inequality? Welfare reform and local variations in social assistance payments. In Farnsworth, K., Zoë, I., and Fenger, M., Social Policy Review 26. Analysis and debate in social policy, 2014. Bristol: Policy Press

Bäckman, O., Jakobsen, V., Lorentzen, T., Österbäcka, E. and Dahl, E. (2014) Avhopp från gymnasieskolan I Norden – omfatning och konsekvenser. In Panican, A., Yrkesutbildning för morgondagens arbetsliv. Dialogos: Stockholm.

Angelin, Anna; Kauppinen, Timo; Lorentzen, Thomas; Bäckman, Olof; Moisio, Pasi; Dahl, Espen; Salonen, Tapio. (2014). Have Nordic welfare regimes adapted to changes in transitions to adulthood? Unemployment insurance and social assistance among young people in the Nordic welfare states. I: Dealing with Risk, Inequality and Precarity in Times of Crisis. Palgrave Macmillan 2014 

Lorentzen, T. and Nielsen, R (2009) Går fattigdom i arv? I: Fløtten, T. red. Barnefattigdom. Oslo: Gyldendal

Dahl, E. and Lorentzen, T. (2008) Sosialhjelpsdynamikk i Norge. I: Seim, S. and Harsløf, I. red. Fattigdommens dynamikk. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Dahl, E. and Lorentzen, T. (2008) Norway: Social Security, Active Labour Market Policies and Economic Progress. In: Midgley, J and Tang, K. W. eds. Social Security and Development. Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan.



Jakobsen, Vibeke; Korpi, Tomas; Lorentzen, Thomas. (2014). Immigration and integration policy and labour market attainment among Scandinavian immigrants. Copenhagen: The Danish National Centre for Social Research 2014

Minas, R., Bäckman, O., Jakobsen, V., Korpi, T., Lorentzen, T. and Kauppinen, T. (2014) Rescaling Rescaling inequality? Welfare reform and local variations in social assistance payments. Working Paper/Department of Social Work, 2014:2. Stockholm, Institutionen för socialt arbete, Stockholms universitet.

Bäckman, O., Jakobsen, V., Lorentzen, T., Österbacka E. and Dahl, E. (2011) Dropping out in Scandinavia: Social Exclusion and Labour Market Attachment among Upper Secondary School Dropouts in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Institute for Future Studies working paper 2011:8

Lorentzen, T. (2010) Social assistance dynamics in Norway: A sibling study of intergenerational mobility. Uni Rokkansenteret rapport 2010:3

Aas, R. W., Ellingsen, K. L., Hellem, I. and Lorentzen, T. (2008) Implementering av WHOs ICF innen syv utdanninger - ergoterapi, fysioterapi, medisin, psykologi, sosionom, sykepleie og vernepleie. Rapport IRIS 2008:270

Lorentzen, T. and Nielsen, R. (2008) Går fattigdom i arv? Langtidseffekter av å vokse opp i familier som mottar sosialhjelp. Fafo-report 2008:14

Lorentzen T. (2007) Kunnskapsstatus for sosialhjelpsforskningen. Fafo-report 2007:33

Lorentzen, T. (2006) Social assistance dynamics in Norway. Doctoral dissertation. Fafo-report 546

Trygstad, S., T. Lorentzen, E. Løken, L. Moland and N. Skalle (2006) Den nye staten. Omfang og effekter av omstillingene i staten 1990–2004. Hovedrapport. Fafo-report 530

Trygstad, S., T. Lorentzen and E. Løken (2005) Den nye staten. Omfang og effekter av omstillingene i staten 1990–2004. Et underveisnotat. Fafo-notat 2005:20

Fangen, K., Grønningsæter, A., Lorentzen, T. and Øverås, S. (2002) Levekår og livskvalitet blant hivpositive. Fafo-report 402

Andreassen, J. and Lorentzen, T. (2002) Vi går et stykke vei sammen med dem, ikke for dem. En kartlegging av arbeidsmarkedstiltaket arbeidsforberedende trening – AFT. Fafo-report 384

Mykletun, R. J., Lorentzen, T. and Mykletun, A. (2000) Utstøtning av eldre arbeidstakere i serverings-, overnattings- og reiselivsbedrifter. Fase 1, Undersøkelse av årsaker til at ansattes gjennomsnittsalder er lav. Norsk Hotellhøgskole

Annen publisering:

Lorentzen, T. (2007) ”Det ligger an til økte krav.” Velferd 96(1): 26-29.

Lorentzen, T. (2007) ”Sosialhjelpsmottakere raskt tilbake i arbeid.” Fontene 6: 10-11.

Dahl, E. og Lorentzen, T. (2005). ”Mot selvforsørgelse? Evaluering av arbeidsretta tiltak for sosialhjelpsmottakere.” Embla.

Academic article
  • Show author(s) (2024). Trajectories among recipients of social assistance in Norway: A local approach. Social Policy & Administration. 1-19.
  • Show author(s) (2024). The societal impact of individual placement and support implementation on employment outcomes for young adults receiving temporary health-related welfare benefits: A difference-in-differences study. Psychological Medicine.
  • Show author(s) (2024). Generosity's double-edged sword: Unmasking the impact of raised social assistance rates in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare.
  • Show author(s) (2024). "Generosity's Double-Edged Sword: Unmasking the Impact of Raised Social Assistance Rates in Norway" . International Journal of Social Welfare.
  • Show author(s) (2023). If unpartnered at the birth of a child, how would you fare? A life-course perspective on contemporary single motherhood. Community, Work and Family.
  • Show author(s) (2023). Changes in health-related rehabilitation trajectories following a major Norwegian welfare reform. BMC Public Health. 1444.
  • Show author(s) (2022). Disability pension dynamics in early adulthood: A two-decade longitudinal study of educational, work and welfare-state trajectories in Norway. SSM - Population Health. 1-11.
  • Show author(s) (2021). Gendered transition structures: life course patterns after completion of gender-segregated vocational education in Norway. Journal of Education and Work. 1-15.
  • Show author(s) (2020). Social assistance dynamics in Norway revisited: A two‐decade prospective study of trajectories of young social assistance recipients. International Journal of Social Welfare. 14 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2020). Are low-skilled young people increasingly useless, and are men the losers among them? Journal of Education and Work. 392-409.
  • Show author(s) (2018). Work and welfare-state trajectories in Norway over two decades: Has the goal of getting more people into work been achieved? International Journal of Social Welfare. 1-14.
  • Show author(s) (2018). The governance of poverty: Welfare reform, activation policies, and social assistance benefits and caseloads in Nordic countries. Journal of European Social Policy. 487-500.
  • Show author(s) (2018). Pathways to Adulthood: Sequences in the School-to-Work Transition in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Social Indicators Research. 1285-1305.
  • Show author(s) (2018). Immigration and Integration Policy and Labour Market Attainment Among Immigrants to Scandinavia. European Journal of Population. 1-24.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Trends in the intergenerational transmission of social assistance in the Nordic countries in the 2000s. European Societies. 73-93.
  • Show author(s) (2015). Early school leaving in Scandinavia: Extent and labour market effects. Journal of European Social Policy. 253-269.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Unemployment and economic security for young adults in Finland, Norway and Sweden: From unemployment protection to poverty relief. International Journal of Social Welfare. 41-51.
  • Show author(s) (2014). The effect of hospital mergers on long-term sickness absence among hospital employees: a fixed effects multivariate regression analysis using panel data. BMC Health Services Research. 17 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Social background and life-course risks as determinants of social assistance receipt among young adults in Sweden, Norway and Finland. Journal of European Social Policy. 273-288.
  • Show author(s) (2012). Welfare risks in early adulthood: a longitudinal analysis of social assistance transitions in Norway. International Journal of Social Welfare. 408-421.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Poverty dynamics and social exclusion - an analysis of Norwegian data. Journal of Social Policy.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Rescaling inequality? Welfare reform and local variation in social assistance payments. .
  • Show author(s) (2014). Immigration and integration policy and labour market attainment among Scandinavian immigrants. .
Popular scientific lecture
  • Show author(s) (2008). Sosialhjelpsdynamikk i Norge.
Academic lecture
  • Show author(s) (2023). Welfare-Work Trajectories Among Social Assistance Recipients in a Local Perspective.
  • Show author(s) (2019). Gendered Barriers and Benefits: A Two-Cohort Study of Life Course Trajectories Among Skilled Workers in Gender-Segregated Occupations in Norway.
  • Show author(s) (2019). Are Low-Skill Young People Increasingly Useless, and Are Boys the Losers Among Them?
  • Show author(s) (2018). Gender and change among early school leavers: a multi-cohort study of life course patterns in Norway.
  • Show author(s) (2018). Gender and change among early school leavers: a multi-cohort study of life course patterns in Norway.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Dropping out or Dropping in? Labour Market Effects of Dropping out from Upper Secondary School in Scandinavia.
  • Show author(s) (2010). Contingent universalism in the Nordic countries: Unemployment and economic security for young adults in Finland, Norway and Sweden.
  • Show author(s) (2009). Young people’s risk of becoming social assistance claimants: The importance of New Social Risks in a Norwegian welfare context.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Young people's risk of becoming social assistance claimants: social class or new social risks?
Popular scientific article
  • Show author(s) (2020). Myter om frafallsungdom og kjønn. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).
Doctoral dissertation
  • Show author(s) (2006). Social assistance dynamics in Norway.
Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
  • Show author(s) (2018). Early School Leaving and Labour Market Inclusion in the Nordic Countries. 22 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2017). Employment policy and social investment in Norway. 19 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Rescaling inequality? Welfare reform and local variation in social assistance payments. 20 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Have Nordic welfare regimes adapted to changes in transitions to adulthood? Unemployment insurance and social assistance among young people in the Nordic welfare states. 11 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2014). Avhopp från gymnasieskolan i Norden - omfattning och konsekvenser. 29 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Gjennomgang av innsats for å bekjempe fattigdom og eksklusjon blant barn og unge. 26 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Fattigdom og sosial eksklusjon blant barn. Oppsummerende konklusjoner, behov for forskning og videre tiltak. 22 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2011). Barn og unge med spesiell risiko for fattigdom og eksklusjon. 28 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2009). Går fattigdom i arv? 21 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Sosialhjelpsdynamikk i Norge. 18 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2008). Norway: Social Security, Active Labour Market Policies and Economic Progress. 28 pages.
  • Show author(s) (2009). Går fattigdom i arv? 119-139. In:
    • Show author(s) (2009). Barnefattigdom. Gyldendal Akademisk.

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