
Media, Culture and Public Connection: Freedom of Information in “the Age of Big Data”

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Forskningsgruppen bak MeCIn

MeCIn is a four-year project at the University of Bergen, funded by the Research Council of Norway. The Project is studying media and culture use, and will:

  • Provide new insight into how norwegian citizens use their freedom of information across media and cultural arenas

  • Provide a better understanding of why some groups choose to disconnect from the public

  • Give new thoughts on the relationship between citizens and the media

The project was led by Hallvard Moe, Professor in Media Studies at the University of Bergen. 

The project is now finished and this page will no longer be updated. 

illustration photo person with smartphone

Project ended, but more research

The MeCIn project has ended

Front page of Political Studies

Moe & Holst with article on deliberative systems theory

The article reviews studies of online democracy in Norway and argues for a more nuanced theory.

Publication from the MeCIn-project
Bilde av boken med datamaskin, mobil og avis rundt.

New book on media use and democracy

Public connection in, the informed citizen out.

Donald Trump Election Win 2016

New publications from the MeCIn-project

Ytre-Arne, Moe and Nærland with new articles in European Journal of Communication and Journalism.

The project is connected to the research group for media use and audience studies at the University of Bergen, and is a collaborative project with the Norwegian Institute for Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University and the University of Stavanger.