Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group

Heathland ecology and cultural landscapes

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Kaland, P.E. & Kvamme, M. 2014. Kystlyngheiene i Norge - kunnskapsstatus og beskrivelse av 23 referanseområder. Miljødirektoratet, Universitetet i Bergen og Lyngheisenteret, Rapport.

Kvamme, M. 2014. Kontrollert brenning gir bedre beredskap. Kronikk i Meninger 06.02.2014

Saure, H.I., Vandvik, V., Hassel, K. & Vetaas, O.R. 2014. Do vascular plants and bryophytes respond differently to coniferous invasion of coastal heathlands? Biological Invasions 16: 775-791. 10.1007/s10530-013-0536-6

Vandvik, V., Töpper, J. P., Cook, Z., Daws, M.I., Heegaard, E., Måren, I.E. & Velle, L.G. 2014. Management-driven evolution in a domesticated ecosystem. Biology Letters 10: 20131082. 10.1098/rsbl.2013.1082

Velle, L.G. & Vandvik, V. Succession after prescribed burning in coastal Calluna heathlands along a 340-km latitudinal gradient. Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 546-558. 10.1111/jvs.12100

Velle L.G., Nilsen L.S., Norderhaug A. & Vandvik V. 2014. Does prescribed burning result in biotic homogenization of coastal heathlands? Global Change Biology 10.1111/gcb.12448

Vetaas O.R., Vikane J.H., Saure H.I., & Vandvik V. 2014. North Atlantic islands with native and alien trees: are there differences in diversity and species-area relationships? Journal of Vegetation Science 25: 213-225. 10.1111/jvs.12045

Saure H.I, Vetaas O.R., Hassel K. & Vandvik V. 2013. Effects of invasion by introduced vs. native conifers on coastal heathland vegetation. Journal of Vegetation Science 24:744-754. 10.1111/jvs.12010

Saure H.I., Vetaas O.R., Odland A., Vandvik V. 2013. Restoration potential of native forests after removal of Picea abies plantations. Forest ecology and management 305: 77-87. 10.1016/j.foreco.2013.05.032

Spindelböck J.P., Cook Z., Daws M.I., Heegaard E., Måren I. E. & Vandvik V. 2013. Conditional cold avoidance drives variation in germination behaviour of Calluna vulgaris. Annals of Botany 112: 801-810. 10.1093/aob/mct142

Vikane J.H., Vandvik V., Rydgren K., Vetaas O.R. 2013. Invasion of Calluna heath by native and non-native conifers: the role of succession, disturbance and allelopathy. Plant Ecology 214: 975-985. 10.1007/s11258-013-0223-9

Velle, L.G., Nilsen, L.S., & Vandvik, V. 2012. The age of Calluna stands moderate post-fire successional trends in Northern Calluna heathlands. Applied Vegetation Science 15: 119-128. 10.1111/j.1654-109X.2011.01144.x

Kvamme, M. 2011. Må brenna for å bevara. nrk.

Måren. I.E., Janovský, Z., Spindelböck, J., Daws, M.I., Kaland, P.E. & Vandvik, V. 2010. Prescribed burning of northern heathlands: Calluna vulgaris germination cues and seed-bank dynamics. Plant Ecology 207: 245-256. 10.1007/s11258-009-9669-1

Kvamme, M., Kaland, P.E. & Norderhaug, A. 2009. Gi oss i dag vårt daglige brød! Naturen 133: 76-85.

Måren, E. & Vandvik, V. 2009. Fire and regeneration: the role of seed banks in the dynamics of northern heathlands. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 871-888. 10.1111/j.1654-1103.2009.01091.x

Nilsen L.S., Måren I.E. & Pedersen O. 2009. Fargen er purpur – kystlyngheivegetasjon i Norge. Naturen 133: 86-93.

Velle, L.G. & Øpstad, S.L. 2009. Utegangarsau av gammal norrøn rase, ein kulturberar. Naturen 33: 94-100.

Måren I.E. 2008. Frøbank og vegetasjon i vestnorsk lynghei. Årringen 12: 61-70.

Måren I.E. & Nilsen L.S. 2008. Kystlyngheier i Midt- og Nord-Norge. Blyttia: Norsk botanisk forenings tidsskrift 66: 11-22.

Måren I.E. & Vandvik V. 2008. Prescribed burning and the role of seed banks in post-fire succession of northern heathlands, Lygra and Lurekalven islands, Hordaland, Norway. Conservation Evidence 6: 48-56.

Måren I.E. & Vetaas O.R. 2008. Kulturlandskap i nord og sør – betraktninger i rom. Naturen 132: 175-183.

Måren I.E., Vandvik V. & Ekelund K. 2008. Restoration of bracken-invaded Calluna vulgaris heathlands: effects on vegetation dynamics and non-target species. Biological Conservation 141: 1034-1044. 10.1016/j.biocon.2008.01.012

Måren I.E., Vandvik V. & Ekelund K. 2008. Effectiveness of chemical and mechanical Pteridium aquilinum control treatments in northern coastal heathlands on Lygra. Conservation Evidence 5: 12-17.

Vetaas O.R. & Måren I.E. 2008. Kulturlandskap i drastisk endring – betraktninger i tid. Naturen 132: 184-193.

Måren I.E. 2007. Kysten endrer seg dramatisk. Kronikk in Aftenposten, 16.06.07.

Måren I.E. & Ekelund K. 2006. Einstape, et problem i kulturlandskapet. Årringen 10: 35-42.

Måren I.E. & Ekelund K. 2006. The heathland. The flora. Information Brochure. Heathland Centre at Lygra, Hordaland.

Måren I.E., Ekelund K. & Vandvik V. 2005. Einstape i det vestnorske kystlandskapet, problem eller bagatell? Naturen 129: 67-76.

Måren I.E. & Ekelund K. 2005. Einstape - hvordan bekjempe den i kulturlandskapet. Blyttia: Norsk botanisk forenings tidsskrift 63: 147-155.

Vandvik V., Heegaard E., Aarrestad P.A. & Måren I.E. 2005. Managing heterogeneity: the importance of grazing and environmental variation on post-fire succession in heathlands. Journal of Applied Ecology 42: 139-149. 10.1111/j.1365-2664.2005.00982.x

Måren I.E. & Ekelund K. 2003. Bekjemping av einstape på Lygra og Lurekalven. Forslag til skjøtselstiltak. Lindås kommune: Heathland Centre at Lygra, Hordaland.

Aarrestad P.A. & Vandvik V. 1997. Leptodontiun flexifolium (Dicks.) Hampe new to Norway from a burnt Calluna heath. Lindbergia 22: 31-32