Bergen Bullying Research Group


Bergen Bullying Research Group publications in 2009

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Aasland, M. S., Skogstad, A., Notelaers, G., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2009). The prevalence of destructive leadership behaviour: A representative prevalence study. British Journal of Management. 21(2), 438-452.


Aasland, M. S., Skogstad, A., Notelaers, G., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2009). The Normality of Destructive Leadership Behaviour: A representative prevalence study. British Journal of Management, Early online.


Burke, R.J., Matthiesen, S.B., Einarsen, S., Fiksenbaum, S. & Soiland, V. (2009). In the Eye of the Beholder: How Workaholics perceive their Supervisor's Leadership Behavioural Styles. SCMS Journal of Indian Management, 6, 1(January-March 2009).


De Cuyper, N., Notelaers, G., & De Witte, H. (2009). Job insecurity and employability in fixed-term contractors, agency workers, and permanent workers: associations with job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. Journal of occupational health psychology, 14(2), 193. 


De Cuyper, N, Notelaers, G., & De Witte. H. (2009). Transitioning between temporary and permanent employment: A two-wave study on the entrapment, the stepping stone and the selection hypothesis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 67–88


Due, P., Merlo, J., Harel-Fisch, Y., Damsgaard, M. T., Holstein, B., Hetland, J. Currie, C., Nic Gabhainn, S., Gaspar de Matos, M, & Lynch, J. (2009). Socioeconomic inequality in exposure to bullying during adolescence: a comparative, cross-sectional, multilevel study in 35 countries. American journal of public health, 99(5), 907-914. 


Einarsen, S, Hoel, H. &  Notelaers, G. (2009). Measuring exposure to bullying in the workplace: Development and validity for the revised Negative Acts Questionnaire. Work and Stress, 23; 24-44.


Glasø, L., Nielsen, M. B., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Interpersonal problems among targets and perpetrators of workplace bullyinq. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(6), 1316–1333.


Hauge, L. J., Skogstad, A., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Individual and situational predictors of workplace bullying: Why do perpetrators engage in the bullying of others? Work & Stress, 23(4), 349-358.


Lind, K., Glasø, L., Pallesen, S., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Personality Profiles among Targets and Non-targets of Workplace Bullying. European Psychologist, 14(3), 231-237.


Nielsen, M. B., Skogstad. A., Matthiesen, S. B., Glasø, L., Aasland, M. S., & Einarsen, S. (2009). Prevalence of workplace bullying in Norway: Comparisons across time and estimations methods. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 18(1), 81 – 101.



Salin, D. (2009). Organisational responses to workplace harassment: an exploratory study. Personnel Review, 38(1), 26-44.


Wiium, N., Aarø, L. E., & Hetland, J. (2009). Psychological Reactance and Adolescents' Attitudes Toward Tobacco‐Control Measures. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(7), 1718-1738.