Journalism studies


The members of the research group publish widely in international peer review journals. Since the launch of the Journalistic Reorientations project in 2010, the group has published in Journalism Studies, in Nordicom Review, in Sport in Society, and in Convergence, to name a few.

Main content

Dahlén, Peter (Forthcoming 2012) “The Geopolitics of Failure: Swedish Journalism and the Demise of the National Ice Hockey Team in Salt Lake City, 2002”, Sport in Society.

Dahlén, Peter (2011) “An Exemplary Model: The Religious Significance of the Brann 2007 Norwegian Football Championship as Told by the Media”, i Roy Krøvel & Thore Roksvold (Eds.): "We love to hate each other". Mediated football fan culture, Nordicom.

Eide, Martin (2010) “Dialogical ambiguities: journalism, professionalism and flattery.” Northern Lights 2010 ;Volum 8.(1) p. 9-23

Gripsrud, J., Hovden, J. F. and Moe, H. (2011). “Changing relations: Class, education and cultural capital”. Poetics vol 39/6

Sjøvaag, Helle & Stavelin, Eirik (2012) “Web Media and the Quantitative Content Analysis: Methodological Challenges in Measuring Online News Content”, Convergence, First published 7 February, DOI: 10.1177/1354856511429641.

Sjøvaag, Helle (2011) “Amateur Images and Journalistic Authority”, in Pantti, Mervi & Andén-Papadopoulos, Kari (eds.) Amateur Images and Global News, Britol, UK: Intellect.

Sjøvaag, Helle (2011) “Regulating Commercial Public Service Broadcasting: A Case Study of the Marketization of Norwegian Media Policy”, International Journal of Cultural Policy. First published 31 May 2011, iFirst, DOI: 10.1080/10286632.2011.573851 

Sjøvaag, Helle, Moe, Hallvard & Stavelin, Eirik (2011) “Public Service News on the Web: A Large-Scale Content Analysis of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation’s Online News”, Journalism Studies, 13 (1), First published 18 May 2011, iFirst, DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2011.578940.

Bridge, John & Sjøvaag, Helle (2010) “Amateur Images in the Professional News Stream”, in Gripsrud, Jostein (ed.) Relocating Television, London: Routledge

Sjøvaag, Helle (2010) "The Reciprocity of Journalism's Social Contract: The political-philosophical foundations of journalistic ideology", Journalism Studies, 11 (6), 874-888.