Quaternary geology and Paleoclimate

News archive for Quaternary geology and Paleoclimate

Forskerne fant nøkkelen til å forklare hvorfor istidene ble lengre og mer intens i midt pleistosen ved å analysere 169 meter med marin leire fra Sørishavet. I en artikkel for det internasjonalt anerkjente tidsskriftet Science, bidrar (Helga) Kikki Flesche Kleiven fra Institutt for geovitenskap og Bjerknessenteret sammen med kollegaer fra Sveits, Tyskland, USA og England til å forklare hvorfor... Read more
Members representing all groups (staff and students) to the Department Board are to be elected for the period of - group B and D 1.8.2021-31.7.2022, group A and C 1.8.21-31.7.2025 . We hereby ask for nominations - deadline 23. March 2021.
Over the course of three days (9-11 May), seven BCCR and Ice2Ice researchers participated in a glacier safety course on the Folgefonna glacier.
On Saturday, March 17, Stein-Erik Lauritzen and Nele Meckler will be leaving for fieldwork in Borneo, Malaysia
“We have been trying to do this trip for five years and we have had a lot of issues with ice,” says expedition leader Jostein Bakke, head of the Quaternary Earth Systems group at Department of Earth Science
“We have been trying to do this trip for five years and we have had a lot of issues with ice,” says expedition leader Jostein Bakke, head of the Quaternary Earth Systems group at department of Earth Science
The Department of Earth Sciences (GEO) is part of HordaFlom, an innovative project which will analyze lake sediments to reconstruct flooding events during the last 2000 years and which will provide more robust projections of future floods
Researcher Nele Meckler wants to understand climate changes by studying fossil shells.
ICE2ICE Kick-Off Meeting in Copenhagen Accompanied by music and a short promotional movie, the ERC Synergy project ‘ice2ice’ got off to a splendid start September 15 – heading off the Kick-off workshop in Copenhagen September 15–17.
The first joint PhD conference between ResClim and the Climate Research School at the Bolin Centre in Stockholm was held 28–30 September in and around Bergen.
Field update from a changing Arctic: Can the past tell us about the future? To try answering these questions, a UiB-led expedition set off on a lake-coring expedition to the still frozen fringes of Northwest Spitsbergen.
Marcus Landschulze, Department of Earth Science, defended his PhD thesis Tuesday 30.10.2013.
Trond Kvarven, Department of Earth Science, defended his PhD thesis Wednesday 23.10.2013.
In mid-October the first annual workshop in the newly started GLANAM-project was held at Holmavatn, Jæren. The workshop had 35 participants from the co-operating institutions.
Heidi Kjennbakken, Department of Earth Science, defended her PhD thesis Wednesday 29.05.2013.
Nil Irvali defended her PhD thesis Thursday 29. March 2012.
Friday 25. November 2011, Ronghua Wang defended her PhD-thesis at Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen
