
Special needs education (SNE)

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Research Group Leader

Førsteamanuensis Bjarte Furnes

Contact information

Forskningsgruppen Spesped (SNE)
Institutt for pedagogikk
Universitetet i Bergen
Christiesgate 13, Vektergården
5015 Bergen

Tel: +47 55 58 68 74

E-post: Bjarte.Furnes@uib.no

The research group Spesped (SNE) was established in spring 2017 in conjunction with the start of the bachelor's program in special needs education at the University of Bergen (UoB). The group has 7 members: Associate professor Bjarte Furnes (leader), Associate professor Elisabeth Hesjedal, Associate professor Lise Øen Jones, professor Vebjørn Ekroll, PhD-student Astrid Lenvik, PhD-student Monica Helland Tøsse, and Unversity lecturer Kristian Øen. The group has broad research interests within the special needs education field such as basic issues in special education, language difficulties, reading- and spelling difficulties, behavioural problems, children's participation, gifted children, interdisciplinary collaboration, etc. The group also has a large network both nationally and internationally, and the intention is to place UoB as a key actor on research and dissemination with relevance for the special needs education field.