
Helwig Hauser

Professor in Visualization

Main content

Email: Helwig.Hauser@UiB.no

Phone: +47/55584380

Fax: +47/55584199 (c/o H. Hauser)

Office: room 3134 (HiB, data block)

Mailing address: Dep. of Informatics, Univ. of Bergen, Postboks 7803, N-5020 Bergen, Norway ("c/o ");

Visiting address: Etasje 3, data blokk, Høyteknologisenteret, Thormøhlensgate 55, Bergen, Norway;

FAX (for all team members): +47 - 55 58 41 99 (please indicate addressee with a "c/o ..." phrase).


Short biography

Helwig Hauser graduated from Vienna University of Technology, Austria, in 1995 and received the degree of Dr.techn. (PhD) from the same university in 1998.  He worked as an assistant professor at the Institute of Computer Graphics at the Vienna University of Technology from 1994 until mid-2000.  Afterwards, Helwig Hauser joined the newly founded VRVis Research Center in Vienna, Austria, as a key researcher in the field of visualization.  In 2003, he became the scientific director of VRVis (www.VRVis.at).  Since 2007, Helwig Hauser is professor at the University of Bergen, Norway, and leading a research group on visualization there (www.ii.UiB.no/vis).  His interests are diverse in visualization and computer graphics, including interactive visual analysis, medical visualization, and the combination of scientific and information visualization.



Computer Graphics (INF251)

course about computer graphics which is designed for the end of the UiB Bachelor study program in computer science and which acts as a preliminary for the UiB Master study program on visualization.

Visualization (INF252)

course about visualization which is central to the UiB Master study program on visualization.

Project in Visualization (INF219)

programming project in visualization, embedded within the UiB Master study program on visualization.

Selected publications

Hypothesis Generation in Climate Research with Interactive Visual Data Exploration by J. Kehrer, Fl. Ladstädter, Ph. Muigg, H. Doleisch, A. Steiner, H. Hauser. IEEE Trans. Vis. & Computer Graphics 14(6):1579-1586, 2008

Interactive Visual Steering - Rapid Visual Prototyping of a Common Rail Injection System by Kr. Matkovic, D. Gracanin, M. Jelovic, H. Hauser. IEEE Trans. on Vis. and Computer Graphics 14(6):1699-1706, 2008

Interactive Visual Analysis of Set-Typed Data by W. Freiler, Kr. Matkovic, H. Hauser. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14(6):1340-1347, 2008

A Four-level Focus+Context Approach to Interactive Visual Analysis of Temporal Features in Large Scientific Data by Ph. Muigg, J. Kehrer, St. Oeltze, H. Piringer, H. Doleisch, B. Preim, H. Hauser. Computer Graphics Forum 27(3):775-782, 2008

Parallel Vectors Criteria for Unsteady Flow Vortices by R. Fuchs, R. Peikert, H. Hauser, F. Sadlo, Ph. Muigg. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 14(3):615-626, 2008

Two-Level Approach to Efficient Visualization of Protein Dynamics by O. Daae Lampe, I. Viola, N. Reuter, H. Hauser. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(6):1616-1623, 2007

Interactive Visual Analysis of Perfusion Data by St. Oeltze, H. Doleisch, H. Hauser, Ph. Muigg, and B. Preim. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(6):1392-1399, 2007

Scalable Hybrid Unstructured and Structured Grid Raycasting by Ph. Muigg, M. Hadwiger, H. Doleisch, and H. Hauser. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(6):1592-1599, 2007

Visualization of Multi-variate Scientific Data by R. Bürger and H. Hauser. Eurographics 2007 State-of-the-Art Proceedings, pp. 117-134, 2007

Integrating Local Feature Detectors in the Interactive Visual Analysis of Flow Simulation Data by R. Bürger, Ph. Muigg, M. Ilcík, H. Doleisch, and H. Hauser. EuroVis 2007 Proc., pp. 171-178, 2007

Story Telling for Presentation in Volume Visualization by M. Wohlfart and H. Hauser. EuroVis 2007 Proc., pp. 91-98, 2007