Department of Comparative Politics

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1Dahlberg, Stefan; Linde, Jonas.
The Winner-Loser Gap in Satisfaction with Democracy Over Time: Evidence from a Swedish Citizen Panel. : Quality of Government Institute 2015 ;Volum 2015.31 s. QOG working paper series(2015:1)
2Dahlberg, Stefan; Linde, Jonas; Holmberg, Sören.
Democratic Discontent in Old and New Democracies: Assessing the Importance of Democratic Input and Governmental Output. Political Studies 2015 ;Volum 63.(S1) s. 18-37
3Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N..
Policy Making in an Independent Judiciary: The Norwegian Supreme Court. ECPR Press 2015 (ISBN 1785521306)
4Keating, M; Hooghe, L; Tatham, Michael Robert.
Bypassing the nation state? Regions and the EU policy process. I: European Union: Power and policy-making. Routledge 2015 ISBN 978-0-415-71550-8. s. 445-466
5Kuhnle, Stein.
Velferdsstaten: Rettigheter for sosial trygghet og likhet. I: Demokratiet - Historien og ideene. Dreyer Forlag A/S 2015 ISBN 9788282651219. s. 338-349


6Løvlie, Frode.
The institutional trajectory of Hamas. From radicalism to pragatism - and back again?. : University of Bergen 2015 (ISBN 978-82-308-2696-6)
7Perez-Linan, Anibal; Castagnola, Maria Andrea.
Judicial Instability and Endogenous Constitutional Change: Lessons from Latin America. British Journal of Political Science 2015 ;Volum 1. s. 1-22
8Selle, Per; Semb, Anne Julie; Strømsnes, Kristin; Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes.
Den samiske medborgeren. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2015 (ISBN 978-82-02-41485-6) 319 s.
9Shaffer, William R.; Grendstad, Gunnar; Waltenburg, Eric N..
Is Diversity Just for Show? Diversity and Appointment to the Norwegian Supreme Court 1945-2011. Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift 2015 ;Volum 38.(1) s. 18-42
10Sindre, Gyda Marås.
Indonesia: Neoliberal development in the context of decentralised patronage politics. I: Emerging Economies and Challenges to Sustainability: Theories, strategies, local realities. Routledge 2015 ISBN 978-0-415-74732-5. s. 106-119
11Svåsand, Lars G.
What do we know about the effects of international assistance to political parties in new democracies?. : Expertgruppen for bistandsanalys, Stockholm 2015 85 s.
12Svåsand, Lars G; Schakel, Lydeke.
An evaluation of NIMD’s application of direct party assistance. : Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy 2015 73 s.
13Tatham, Michael Robert.
Regional Voices in the European Union: Sub-national influence in multi-level politics. International Studies Quarterly 2015