Strategy 2023–2030

We Develop

Through robust and close interaction with the world around us – globally, nationally and locally – we shall be instrumental in building a society based on knowledge, skills and attitudes. Our researchers and students are strong candidates for international research partnerships and educational collaboration.

Collage showing "We develop"
Morven Muilwijk, Eivind Senneset, Colourbox, Øyvind Barlaup, Magne Sandnes

Main content

We shall be a strong stakeholder in research and educational policy, and be a supplier of conditions in setting international and domestic research strategies and priorities.

We shall continue to develop dialogue and cooperation with government ­authorities, other decision-makers and society at large. 

We shall promote internal collaboration and a shared identity through diverse cooperative measures within our various academic fields.

The University of Bergen shall collaborate with other research institutions to develop knowledge clusters for innovative research, education and innovation. 

We shall create meeting places for new generations of international researchers, and we shall be proponents for innovation and shared knowledge.