Senter for dyphavsforskning
Magellan Workshop September 2017

MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme

Carbon Cycling at the Ultraslow Arctic Spreading Ridge System

MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme
JC-Deep Sea


Carbon Cycling at the Ultraslow Arctic Spreading Ridge System

Magellan workshop programme (6-8 September 2017)

Day 1 – Symposium: Carbon and life in deep sediments in the Arctic

09:15 Welcome and Introduction by Steffen L Jørgensen

10:00 Rolf Birger Pedersen

Title: “Southern Knipovich Ridge and geological history of the Norwegian-Greenland Sea”

10:45 Coffee/Tea

11:00 Vera Schlindwein

Title: “Seismicity and lithosphere structure at slow/ultraslow ridges”

12:00 Lunch break

13:30 Wolfgang Bach

Title: “The role of water-rock reactions for cycling of buried carbon”

14:15 Hans Røy

Title: “Carbon cycling by subseafloor microbial life”

15:00 Coffe/Tea

15:30 Florian Schmid

Title: “Implications of deep-reaching serpentinization for the deformation mode at ultraslow

opening mid-ocean ridges”

16:15 Andreia Faverola

Title: “Gas sources in the Norwegian-Greenland sea

17:00 Mitch Malone

Title: “Challenges of drilling the SKR”

19:00 Dinner

Day 2 – Overarching Research Questions and Site Selection

09:15 Javier Escartin

Title: “Structural evolution of ultra-slow spreading ridges

09:45 Beth Orcutt

Title: “Ups and downs on CORKs”

11:15 Group discussions related to:

  • Key questions about deep carbon cycling can be tackled by drilling the SKR?
  • First-order sub-seafloor microbial life questions we attempt to solve?
  • Other critical knowledge gaps (tectonics, climate, geochemical fluxes, etc.)can be addressed?
  • Best drill sites for accomplishing these science goals?
  • Additional site survey data for the potential drilling sites are required for an

IODP proposal?

12:15 Lunch break

13:30 Continued group discussions

16:00 presentation by the different groups

19:00 Dinner


Day 3 – Strategies and Implementation

09:30 Final discussion, proposal outline and delegations of tasks

12:00 Lunch/departure