Institutt for sosialantropologi


av Bjørn Enge Bertelsen


Austdal, Tord
2009. Den nye kampen om livet: Det globale opprøret. Replikk, 28: 19-28.


Berg, Arne Cato
2009 (med Edvard Hviding, Mona Hess, Stuart Robson, Graeme Were og Francesca Simon Millar) Niabara: The Western Solomon Islands War Canoe at the British Museum. I Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. VSMM 2009, Wien. Los Alamitos, CA.: IEEE Computer Society.


Bertelsen, Bjørn Enge
2009 Sorcery and death squads. Transformations of state, sovereignty, and violence in postcolonial Mozambique. I Bruce Kapferer og Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (red.) Crisis of the state. War and social upheaval. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 210-240.

2009 (med Bruce Kapferer) The crisis of power and reformations of the state in globalizing realities. I Bruce Kapferer og Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (red.) Crisis of the state. War and social upheaval. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-26.

2009 (redigert med Bruce Kapferer) Crisis of the state. War and social upheaval. New York: Berghahn Books.

2009 Kolonialisme på portugisisk og norsk. Plantasjen Madal i Mosambik. I Kirsten Alsaker Kjerland og Knut Rio (red.) Kolonitid. Nordmenn på eventyr og big business i Afrika og Stillehavet. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, pp. 249-274.

2009 Lars Buur, Steffen Jensen and Finn Stepputat (red.) "The security-development nexus. Expressions of sovereignty in Southern Africa" (compte rendu / bokessay). Lusotopie, 16(2):198-201.

2009 Arild Engelsen Ruud "Langtvekkistan. Grunnlagsproblemer for studiet av asiatiske og afrikanske samfunn" (bokomtale). Forum for Development Studies, 36(2):213-216.

2009 Multiple sovereignties and summary justice in Mozambique. A critiqueof some legal anthropological terms. Social analysis, 53(3): 123-147.


Bjelland, Anne Karen
2009 (med Christine Øye, Aina Skorpen og Norman Anderssen) User participation when using milieu therapy in a psychiatric hospital in Norway - a mission impossible? Nursing Inquiry, 16(4): 1-10.

2009  (med Christine Øye, Aina Skorpen og Norman Anderssen) Raising Adults as Children? A Report on Milieu Therapy in a Psychiatric Ward in Norway. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30(3): 151-158.

2009 (Aina Skorpen, Norman Anderssen, Christine Øye) Treatment regimes in a psychiatric hospital and apparent contradictions: Report from field work in a lock-up ward illustrated with a constructed case. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 18 (6): 409-416.


Broch-Due, Vigdis
2009 (med Jennifer E. Coffman, Peter Little, Ntarangwi Mwenda, Miroslava Prazak og Parker Shipton) Insights into Kenya's Post-election Violence. Beliefs and Values, 1(1): 53-68.


Bøe, Janne Bjorheim
2009. Feasts for thought: Palestinian Women and the Case of a Wedding Lunch. I Nefissa Naguib (red.) Food and Foodways in the Middle East. Bergen: The Lower Jordan River Basin Programme Publications 18, pp. 111-121.


Eriksen, Annelin
2009. New Life: Pentecostalism as social critique in Vanuatu, Ethnos, 74: 175-198. [Available freely -- download by following the link]

2009 Healing the Nation:In search of Unity through the Holy Spirit in Vanuatu, Social Analysis, 53(1): 67-81.

2009 (med Bruce Kapferer og Kari Telle) Religiosities toward a Future-in Pursuit of the New Millennium. Social analysis, 53(1): 1-16.


Espeland, Rune Hjalmar
2009 (med Stina Petersen) Landprofil Tanzania. I Sigrun Johnstad og Thorodd Ommundsen. Arena Afrika. Kappløp om makt og ressurser. Fellesrådets Afrikaårbok 2009. Oslo: Fellesrådet for Afrika & Solidaritet Forlag, pp. 243-244.


Fagertun, Anette
2009 The Gender of Work and the Work of Gender: On social transformations in two fisher villages on Jimbaran Bay, Bali, Indonesia". PhD-avhandling, Universitetet i Bergen, p. 367.


Fosshagen, Kjetil
2009 The perfect sovereign. The sacralised power of the Ottoman sultan. I Knut M. Rio og Olaf Smedal (red.) Hierarchy. Persistence and Transformation in Social Formations. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 183-211.

2009. Den dype staten. Kronikk, Klassekampen, 07.09.2009.

2009. Sekularismens festninger. Kronikk, Klassekampen, 05.09.2009.

2009. Dyreskinn, staten og islam. Kronikk, Hubro (UiB) nr.2 2009


Frøystad, Kathinka
2009 The return path. Anthropology of a Western yogi. I Thomas Csordas (red) Transnational Transcendence: Essays on Religion and Globalization. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. 279-304.

2009 Communal riots in India as a transitory form of political violence. Three approaches. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 32(3): 442-459.


Hviding, Edvard
2009 Eventyrlyst og tilpasningsevne. Nordmenns liv på 'de forferdelige Salomonøyene', ca. 1870-1930. I Kirsten Alsaker Kjerland og Knut M. Rio (red.) Kolonitid. Nordmenn på eventyr og big business i Afrika og Stillehavet. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, pp. 128-166.

2009 (med Arne Cato Berg, Mona Hess, Stuart Robson, Graeme Were og Francesca Simon Millar) Niabara: The Western Solomon Islands War Canoe at the British Museum. I Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. VSMM 2009, Wien. Los Alamitos, CA.: IEEE Computer Society.


Gunnar Håland
2009 [med Wu Yunchuan] From House structure to gender relations. Exploring the Na (Mosuo) of Yunnan Province. Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology (Annapurna, Baglung), 3: 19-40.

2009. Pastoral people in a globalizing world?, i Alexandros Tsakos og Henriette Hafsaas-Tsakos (red.) Connecting South and North. Sudan Studies from Bergen in Honour of Mahmoud Salih. Bergen: Bric.


Kapferer, Bruce
2009 (redigert med Bjørn Enge Bertelsen) Crisis of the state. War and social upheaval. New York: Berghahn Books.

2009 (med Bjørn Enge Bertelsen) The crisis of power and reformations of the state in globalizing realities. I Bruce Kapferer og Bjørn Enge Bertelsen (red.) Crisis of the state. War and social upheaval. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-26.

2009 (med Annelin Eriksen og Kari Telle) Religiosities toward a Future - in Pursuit of the New Millennium. Social analysis, 53(1): 1-16.


Knudsen, Ståle
2009 Fishers and Scientists in Modern Turkey. The Management of Natural Resources, Knowledge and Identity on the Eastern Black Sea Coast. Oxford and New York: Berghahn Books, p. 304.

2009 (med Olivia Langmead, Abigail McQuatters-Gollop, Laurence D. Mee, Jana Friedrich, Alison J. Gilbert, Marian-Traian Gomoiu, Emma L. Jacksona, Galina Minicheva og Valentina Todorova) Recovery or decline of the northwestern Black Sea: A societal choice revealed by socio-ecological modelling. Ecological modelling, 220(21): 2927-2939.


Lattas, Andrew
2009 Cargo Cults and Cognitive Science. The dynamics of creativity in Pomio Kivung rituals. I Carole M. Cusack and Christopher H. Hartney (red.) Religion and Retributive Logic: Essays in Honour of Professor Garry W. Trompf. Leiden, Boston og Tokyo: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 101-129.

2009 Bokomtale. Anthropological Knowledge, Secrecy and Bolivip, Papua New Guinea: Exchanging Skin, av T. Crook.  Ethnos, 74(3):433-435.


Manger, Leif
2009 Food and Identity. Processes of Cultural Change among the Lafofa Nuba of Central Sudan. I Nefissa Naguib (red.) Food and Foodways in the Middle East. Bir Zeit og Bergen: BRIC, pp. 89-109.

2009 Colonial Anxieties in the Nuba Mountains. Religious rebellions as anti-colonial threats in Anglo-Egyption Sudan. I Henriette Hafsaas og Alexandros Tsakos (reds) Connecting South and North. Sudan Studies from Bergen in Honour of Mahmoud Salih Festschrift to Mahmoud Salih.  Bergen: BRIC, pp. 77-96.

2009 (med Abdel Ghaffar M. Ahmed) Peace in Eastern Sudan. Some Important Aspects for Consideration. Bergen: BRIC.

2009 (med Olga Lukashenko, Rakhmat Khakulov Usufuvich og Vijayalakshmi Vadivelu) Assessment of Development Results. Republic of Tajikiistan. Evaluation of UNDP Contribution. New York: UNPD/EO.


Mzamu, Jessica Jemima
2009 (with Dean Kampanje-Phiri). Bokomtale. "Fearless Fighter: An Autobiography" by Vera Chirwa. Review of African Political Economy, 36: 121, 470-472.


Rio, Knut M.
2009 (redigert med Knut M. Rio) Hierarchy: Persistence and Transformation in Social Formations. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, p. 379.

2009 (redigert med Kirsten Alsaker Kjerland) Kolonitid. Nordmenn på Eventyr og Big Business i Stillehavet og Afrika. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, p. 319.

2009 (med Olaf H. Smedal) Hierarchy and Its Alternatives: An Introduction to Movements of Totalization and Detotalization. I Knut M. Rio og Olaf H. Smedal (reds) Hierarchy.  Persistence and transformation in social formations. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-65.

2009 (med Kirsten Alsaker Kjerland) Introduksjon. I Kirsten Alsaker Kjerland og Knut M. Rio (red.) Kolonitid. Nordmenn på Eventyr og Big Business i Stillehavet og Afrika. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, pp. 5-11.

2009 Fra eventyr til industri. Historien om de norske sukkerplantasjene på Hawaii. I Kirsten Alsaker Kjerland og Knut M. Rio (red.) Kolonitid. Nordmenn på Eventyr og Big Business i Stillehavet og Afrika. Oslo: Scandinavian Academic Press, pp. 187-221.

2009 Subject and object in a Vanuatu social ontology. A local vision of dialectics. Journal of Material Culture, 14(3): 283-308.


Smedal, Olaf H.
2009 Hierarchy, precedence, and values: scopes for social action in Ngadhaland, central Flores. I Michael P. Vischer (red.) Precedence. Processes of differentiation in the Austronesian world. Canberra: ANU E Press, pp. 209-227.

2009 (redigert med Knut M. Rio) Hierarchy: Persistence and Transformation in Social Formations. New York og Oxford: Berghahn Books, p. 379.

2009 On the Value of the Beast or the Limit of Money: Notes on the Meaning of Marriage Prestations among the Ngadha, Central Flores (Indonesia). I Knut M. Rio og Olaf H. Smedal (red.) Hierarchy: Persistence and Transformation in Social Formations. Oxford og New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 269-297.

2009 (med Knut M. Rio) Hierachy and its Alternatives: An introduction to Movements of Totalization and Detotalization. I I Knut M. Rio og Olaf H. Smedal (red.) Hierarchy: Persistence and Transformation in Social Formations. Oxford og New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 1-63.

2009 En paradoksal antropolog. Jan-Petter Blom intervjuet av Olaf H. Smedal. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift, 20(3): 191-206.


Hanna Skartveit
Ángeles Populares: La formación social y espiritual de Gilda y Rodrigo. Antropofagia 2009. (ISBN 978-987-1238-61-3). Buenos Aires: El Centro de Antropología Social del IDES, p. 157.