Klinisk institutt 2

Midtveisevaluering - Hanne Rosendahl-Riise




Fish intake and vitamin D and its effect on sarcopenia, osteoporosis and hip fractures

Nutrition is a key factor for healthy aging. As part of natural aging both muscle mass and bone mass are declining. This process may worsen due to poor dietary intake and limited nutritional status.  Fish is a good source of high quality protein, calcium, vitamin D and omega 3 fatty acids and these are all nutrients that are associated with preserving both muscle and bone mass.

Thus, the overall aim of the PhD-project was to investigate nutritional factors, with special attention to fish intake and vitamin D, which may have an influence on muscle mass and the risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture.

The PhD-project is divided into three parts as follows:

1. The objective of part one was to systematically search the available literature and perform a meta-analysis investigating the effects of vitamin D supplementation (with or without calcium) in community-dwelling older subjects on muscle strength and mobility, based on the results from RCTs.

2. The aim of the second part was to investigate energy intake, weight development and functional outcomes during the first 3 months following a hip fracture in patients from Haukeland University Hospital and Haraldsplass Deacon Hospital.

3. Third, we want to investigate the association between fish intake as a source of protein, vitamin D and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to bone mineral density in middle-aged and older participants in the Hordaland Health Study. We also want to investigate the association between fish intake and the risk of hip fractures in the older participants in the cohort.