Cathy Jenkss bilde
Koo Taylor

Cathy Jenks

Senior forskn.tekn
  • E-postCathy.Jenks@uib.no
  • Telefon+47 55 58 44 52
  • Besøksadresse
    Thormøhlens gate 53 A/B
    5006 Bergen
    4B07. Tel: 5558 4452
  • Postadresse
    Postboks 7803
    5020 Bergen

English editing of manuscripts, grant proposals, and theses

Web page management

Research Group assistant


Vitenskapelig artikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2020). Compositional turnover and variation in Eemian pollen sequences in Europe. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany. 101-109.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Is palaeoecology a ‘special branch’ of ecology? The Holocene. 17-24.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). DYNAWARM: Dynamics of Past Warm Climates.

Se fullstendig oversikt over publikasjoner i CRIStin.

HOLIVAR2006 2006. Natural Climate Variability and Global Warming. (eds.) Jones, V., Jenks, C., Hughes, M., Binney, H. & Birks, H.J.B. University College London 184 pp.

Birks, H.J.B. with contributions from Birks, H.H., Everson, J., Jans, H., Jenks, C., Thorne, D. & Thorne, M. AGS Expedition to Tibet July 2005: Report & lists of plants, birds, and mammals seen and localities visited. Alpine Garden Society 93 pp.