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political parties, party organisations, parties in new democracies, democratization, electoral processes

Elections and political parties

Scandinavian politics

  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Government and Politics of Malawi. Patel and Svåsand.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Government and Politics in Malawi. Kachere Books.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Challenges to Political Parties. The Case of Norway. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Challenges to Political Parties. University of Michigan Press.
Vitenskapelig artikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2024). The Trumpization of the Grand Old Party. Social Science Quarterly. 1-29.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2024). Personalization and de-institutionalization: Ourcommon conceptual framework. Social Science Quarterly. 1-4.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Opposition parties and the decentralisation process in South Africa and Zambia. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. 475-496.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Regulation of political parties and party functions in Malawi: Incentive structures and the selective application of the rules. International Political Science Review. 275-290.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). “Competition and participation, but no democracy: The politics of elections in Africa´s feckless regimes”. Statsvetenskaplig Tidsskrift. 365-384.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). The concept of opposition and the structure of opposition in Malawi. Commonwealth and Comparative Politics. 306-325.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). Financing Elections in Malawi: Between National Processes and the International Community. Representation. 417-434.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). Democratization in Malawi: Moving Forward, Stuck in Transition or Backsliding? Forum for Development Studies. 1-24.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2010). In search of the impact of international support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared. Democratization. 1250-1274.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2009). Valgets politikk: Betydningen av legale og administrative virkemidler for å beholde makten i Malawi og Uganda. Politica - Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab. 268-282.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2009). Valgets politikk: Betydningen av administrative og legale virkemidler for å beholde makten i Malawi og Uganda. Politica - Tidsskrift for politisk videnskab. 268-282.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2009). Turnaround: The national resistance movement and the reintroduction of a multiparty system in Uganda. International Political Science Review. 185-204.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Fissions and fusions, foes and friends - Party system restructuring in Malawi in the 2004 general elections. Comparative Political Studies. 1112-1137.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Stuck in Transition: Electoral Processes in Zambia 1991-2001. Democratization. 85-105.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2004). Political parties in Norway - 40 years later. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. 295-318.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2004). Hanne Marthe Narud, Mogens N. Pedersen, Henry Valen (eds.): Party sovereignty and citizen control. Selecting candidates for parliamentary elections in Denmark, Finland, Iceland and Norway, Odense 2002, University Press of Southern Denmark. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. 120-122.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2004). From Dominant to Competitive Party System: The Zambian Experience 1991-2001. Party Politics. 49-68.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2002). Political parties and democratic consolidation in Africa. MANGLER.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2002). Party institutionalization in new democracies. Party Politics. 5-30.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2002). Introduction: The contribution of parties to democracy and democratic consolidation. MANGLER.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). State subsidies to political parties: confronting rhetoric with reality. West European Politics. 1-24.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). State subsidies to political parties: confronting rhetoric with reality. West European Politics. 1-24.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). State subsidies to political parties: Confronting rhetoric with reality. West European Politics. 1-24.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). The Influence of new parties on old parties' platforms: the case of the Progress parties and the Conservative parties of Denmark and Norway. Party Politics.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). What do we know about the effects of international assistance to political parties in new democracies? .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). An evaluation of NIMD’s application of direct party assistance. .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2004). Ny personvalgordning og hva så? En analyse av kommune- og fylkestingsvalget i 2003. 8. 8. .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2003). The PRSP process in Zambia. .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2001). Funding political parties in emerging African democracies: What role for Norway? .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2001). Elections for better or for worse? Assessing the experiences with multiparty elections in sub-Saharan Africa. .
Populærvitenskapelig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Partienes valgkampstrategi.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1999). Statlig finansiering av politiske partier: intensjonene og utfallet.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1999). Om veileders rolle hovedfagsoppgavearbeidet.
Vitenskapelig foredrag
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Electoral finance and the recruitment of women in African elections: Typology of finances and methodological challenges,.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Opposition Parties and the Decentralization Process in South Africa and Zambia.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Promoting programmatic political parties:Exploring international party assistance and its impact on party manifestos in new democracies.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Party decline?
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). The development and functions of electoral manifestos in Malawi: The impact of weak parties and excessive presidentialism.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). The ambiguous state of political parties in new democracies.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Party manifestos in unorthodox parties:the cases of the Pirate Parties in Sweden and Germany.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Party Adaptions to Municipal Elections in Post-transitional Regimes: Exploring Democratic Decentralization in Zambia and South Africa.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). “Political parties and democratic consolidation in Malawi”, Chapter for the NUFU project book: Democratic consolidation in Malawi,Solstrand, 19. October – 21. October, 2011.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). The functions of political parties: In theory and in Malawi.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). Political parties and the democratic trajectory of Malawi, 1993-2011.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). Lars Svåsand: The fragmentation of Malawian opposition,.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). Lars Svåsand and Svein-Erik Helle (2011): The future of democracy in Africa Paper prepared for the work shop on Party systems and the future of democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa, University of Warwick 22.-24. September. 2011.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). Electoral manifestos and the functions of political parties in new democracies: the case of Malawi,.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2010). Formal rules and informal processes in the recruitment of political party elites in Malawi.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2010). Democratic consolidation in Malawi: progressing, stuck in transition, or backsliding?
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2009). The impact of international support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2009). The impact of international party support to political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2009). Party system change in the context of the 2009 parliamentary and presidential elections.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2008). Procedural democracy in Malawian political parties.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2008). Internal party democracy and the Malawian parties.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the re-introduction of a multiparty system in Uganda.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). The politics of the elections (Or how incumbents remain in office.)The cases of Malawi and Uganda.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Political paralysis in Malawi: Reprecussions of party splits in a weakly institutionalised democracy.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Organizing parties for the 2006 elections.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Non-state actors and democratic consolidation.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). "Free but not fair': Explaining the declining quality of electoral administration in Malawi 1994-2004".
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2006). From no-party to multiparty system: NRM and its competitors in Uganda’s 2006 elections.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Fissions and fusions, friends and foes: Party system restructuring in Malawi.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2003). The Norwegian Progress party: a populist party?
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2002). The re-emergence of the EU issue in Norwegian politics.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2002). The quality of electoral processes: Zambian elections 1991-2001.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2002). Elections, party system development and democratic consolidation in Zambia.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). The theory of institutionalism and the study of political parties.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). The theory of institutionalism and the study of political parties.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Party system change in Norway.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Party system change in Norway.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Partiorganisasjon og valgresultat.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Partiorganisasjon og valgresultat.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Partier i nye demokratier.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Partier i nye demokratier.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Norsk og svensk partiutvikling.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Norsk og svensk partiutvikling.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Comments on the manuscripts "Interest groups and parties in Scandinavian politics".
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Comments on the manuscripts "Interest groups and parties in Scandinavian politics".
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Challenges to political parties.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Challenges to political parties.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1999). Party Institutionalization and the New Democracies.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1999). Explaining the success of new rigth wing political parties.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1999). Current issues in Norwegian party politics.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Opportunity for participation in political parties. An examination of party statues and empirical reality.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Demokratiets utfordringer i det 21. århundrede. Bergens Tidende.
Vitenskapelig antologi/Konferanseserie
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Institutionalisation of political parties. Comparative cases. ECPR Press.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Partiernas århundrade. Fempartimodellens uppgång och fall i Norge och Sverige. Santérus Academic Press Sweden.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Challenges to Political Parties: the case of Norway. University of Michigan Press.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1994). Partiene i en brytningstid. Fagbokforlaget.
Vitenskapelig monografi
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2018). Institutionalization (and De-Institutionalization) of Rightwing Protest Parties - The Progress Parties of Denmark and Norway.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Partier uten grenser? Tano.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Electoral System Design and Effects on Representation and Regionalisation in Malawi 1994-2004.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2004). Continuity versus Change. A Study of the British Electoral Reform Debate after 1974.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2004). "På skinner uten styring?" En analyse av bybaneprosessen i Bergen.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2006). The Color of Polity. Political representation of African Americans in Florida from 1996 til 2002.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2006). Shifting parties, constant cleavage. Party system formation along the urban-rural cleavage in post-communist Lithuania.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2006). Politisk opposisjon i et autoritært regime. En analyse av regimets respons til islamsk opposisjon i Egypt.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Citizenship rights in the holy land and the case of Israeli Palestinians.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Demokratiets utfordringer i det 21. århundrede. Bergens Tidende.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Oklara effekter av demokratibistånd SVENSK OPINION 11 februari, 2015 Oklara effekter av demokratibistånd .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Mijøpartiet De Grønne i Sogn og Fjordane.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Intervju om partifinansering, Kapital.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2015). Intervju om lokale lister ved kommunestyrevalg.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Om makt i Bergen.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Om Miljøpartiet.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2014). Intervju om partiorganisasjonen for Miljøpartiet De Grønne.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2006). Intervju om undersøkelse om politisk interesse.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Regjeringsskiftet.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Politisk styring i nye demokratier.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Partienes medlemsutvikling.
Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). The Swedish Pirate Party: Towards Institutionalisation? .
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Party Institutionalisation: Concepts and Indicators.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2019). Introduction. 9 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2016). Party decline? 22 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2013). Party development in the old world: And in the new. 22 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2012). Foreign aid, democracy promotion and democratic progress. 10 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2011). In search of the impact of international support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared. 25 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2010). One Man Ownership: Political Parties and their Struggle for Democratic Standards. 30 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2008). Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the re-introduction of a multiparty system in Uganda. 25 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2008). Organising parties for the 2006 elections. 30 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2007). Political Parties. 32 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Partisystemenes utviklingslinjer. 14 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Partifremvekst og partioverlevelse: Fremskrittspartiet og Ny Demokrati. 26 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Partiene som institusjoner i demokratiet. 12 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2005). Den nordiska fempartimodellen: En tilfallighet eller ett fundament? 29 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2002). The cross-pressure hypothesis.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2001). Party Institutionalization and the New Democracies. 22 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Statlig finansiering av politiske partier: intensjonene og utfallet. 24 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1999). Krysspresshypotesen. 9 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1998). The Center-Right Parties in Norwegian Politics: Between Reformist Labor and Radical Progress. 29 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1998). Scandinavian Right-Wing Radicalism. 19 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1998). Nordiske partiers samarbeismønstre - med hverandre og med Europa. 28 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1998). Nordiske partiers samarbeidsmønstre - med hverandre og med Europa. 28 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Politiske partier og den internasjonale arena. 13 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Political parties in Norway: Facing the challenges of a new society. 32 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Norske partiers internasjonale forbindelser. 35 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Internasjonalt partisamarbeid. 34 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Internasjonale partisammenslutninger: partier eller organisasjoner? 16 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Conclusion: The limits of entrepeneurship. 22 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). CChange and adaption in party organization. 34 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1997). Beyond the nation-state: Foreign policy controversies. 22 sider.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (1982). Partiorganisasjon og valgresultat: en drøfting av ulike sammenhenger.
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2000). Statlig finansiering av politiske partier: intensjonene og utfallet. 1-24.

Se fullstendig oversikt over publikasjoner i CRIStin.


“Party Institutionalization in New Democracies” (with Vicky Randall, University of Essex), Party Politics, Vol. 8 No 1, 2002, 5-29



“Parties, party systems and democratic consolidation in the Third world”, Special issue of

Democratization, Vol. 9, No.3, guest editors: Vicky Randall and Lars Svåsand




“Stuck in transition: Electoral processes in Zambia, 1991-2001”, (with Lise Rakner), Democratization, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp 1-21


Partiernas århundrade. Fempartimodellens uppgang och fall i Norge og Sverige, (Marie Demker och Lars Svåsand, red.), Gøteborg, Santerus Forlag 


Government and Politics in Malawi, (eds. Nandini Patel and Lars Svåsand),

Blantyre, Kachere Books. Vol 33, 2007


“Political Parties” (with Nixon S. Khembo), in Government and Politics in Malawi, (eds. Nandini Patel and Lars Svåsand), Blantyre, Kachere Books. Vol 33, 2007, pp. 207-238


”Fissions and fusions, friends and foes: Party system restructuring in Malawi”, (with Lise Rakner and Nixon S. Khembo) Comparative Political Studies, Vol 40, No. 9, September 2007, 1112-1137




Organising parties for the 2006 elections” (co-authored with Julius Kiiza and Robert Tabaro), in Julius Kiiza, Sabiti Makara and Lise Rakner (eds.): Electoral democracy in Uganda, Kampala, Fountain Press, 201-230


“Partienes funksjoner: Malawi i komparativt perspektiv”, kapitel til K. Pedersen (ed.): Festskrift til Lars Bille, København 2008

“Internal party democracy: The case of the United Democratic Front in Malawi”, Paper til Nordic Political Science Association, Tromsø 6.-8. August 2008


“Turnaround: The National Resistance Movement and the re-introduction of a multiparty system in Uganda” (with Sabiti Makara and Lise Rakner), International Political Science Review, March 2009

Magolowondo, A., & Svåsand, L. (2010). “One man ownership: Political parties and their struggle for democratic standards”,  In M. Ott & F. E. Kanyongolo (Eds.), Democracy in Progress.  Malawi’s 2009 parliamentary and presidential elections, Blantyre, Kachere Books, 265-294


Lise Rakner and Lars Svåsand:  “In search of the impact of international support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared” Democratization, 2010 ;Volum 17.(6) s. 1250-1274


Lars Svåsand: Democratic consolidation in Malawi: progressing, stuck in transition, or backsliding? Forum for Development Studies vol 38 no. 1 2011, pp. 1-24

 Lars Svåsand: Financing elections in Malawi: Between national processes and the international comunity, Representation, Vol 47, No. 4, 2011, pp. 417-434

Impacts of international party assistance (with Lise Rakner)

Democratic consolidation in Malawi (see NUFU project overview)

Procedural democracy in political parties

- Political parties in the 2009 general elections

valgprosesser, demokratisering, politiske partier