Howaida Faisal Abdelrahmans bilde

Howaida Faisal Abdelrahman

Rådgiver, Administrative Coordinator Bergen Summer Research School (BSRS)
Globale samfunnsutfordringer
  • E-postHowaida.Abdelrahman@uib.no
  • Telefon+47 55 58 49 90
  • Besøksadresse
    Bergem Summer Research School
    Overlege Danielsens Hus, Årstadveien 21, 4 etg.
    N-5009 Bergen
  • Postadresse
    Postboks 7804
    5020 Bergen

Administrative Coordinator

Bergen Summer Research School: www.uib.no/rs/bsrs

Vitenskapelig artikkel
  • Vis forfatter(e) (2008). Environmental effects on morphology of Acacia tortilis group in the red Sea Hills, North-Eastern Sudan and South-Eastern Egypt. Forest Ecology and Management. 254-263.

Se fullstendig oversikt over publikasjoner i CRIStin.



Ecotypes or Genotypes? The Status of the Currently Recognized Infraspecific Taxa of

Acacia tortilis Growing in the Red Sea Hills, Sudan and Egypt. https://bora.uib.no/handle/1956/2645


In vitro Antimicrobial Effects and Preliminary Chemical Composition of Different Salvadora persica Crude Extracts – with Specific Reference to Miswak and Oral Microbes

BSc (honours)

Glucose Isomerase from Local Bacterial Isolates, Isolation and Some Properties.


Publications (chronologically)

Meeting abstract (Poland 2000): AbdElRahman HF, Skaug N, Francis G, Lofthus B. In vitro antimicrobial effects of miswak on oral pathogens. J Dent Res 2001; 80(4): 1303 (abstract 264.1).

Scientific article: AbdElRahman HF, Skaug N, Francis GW. In vitro antimicrobial effects of crude miswak extracts on oral pathogens. Saudi Dent J 2002, 14(1);26-32.

Scientific article: AbdElRahman HF, Skaug N, Ann Margot Whyatt, Francis GW. Volatile com-pounds in crude Salvadora persica L. extracts. Pharma Bio 2003, 41; 399-404.

Manuscript: AbdElRahman HF, Almas K, Skaug N, Ann Margot Whyatt, Francis GW. Re-gional and age related effects on the volatile composition of miswak, Salvadora Persica.

Scientific meeting (poster presentation) (Egypt 2006): AbdElRahman HF, Krzywinski K. Morphological versus Molecular Taxonomy of Acacia tortilis along the Red Sea Hills, Sudan and Egypt. BioVisionAlexandria 2006: New Life Sciences: Changing Lives (26-29 April 2006).

Scientific meeting (oral presentation) (Dubai-Sharjah: UAE): AbdElRahman HF. Distribu-tion of Hair among Acacia tortilis Forssk (Hayne) Complex Growing in the Red Sea Hills, South Eastern Egypt and North Eastern Sudan. International Symposium on Drylands Ecology and Hu-man Security (ISDEHS). Perspectives, Policy Responses and Sustainable Development in the Arab Region -Challenges and Opportunities. Dubai, December 4-7, 2006

Scientific article:

AbdElRahman HF, Krzywinski K. Environmental effects on morphology of Acacia tortilis group in the Red Sea Hills, North Eastern-Sudan and South-Eastern Egypt. Forest Ecology and Management 255 (2008) 254–263.


AbdElRahman HF, Krzywinski K. Heterogeneity in group clustering of Acacia tor-tilis of the Red Sea Hills in Sudan and Egypt using morphological and molecular data. (Submitted to BMC Ecology).

AbdElRahman HF,Knut Krzywinski and Stefan Ekman. Genetic Di-versity and Population Differentiation in the Acacia tortilis Group of the Red Sea Hills, Southeast Egypt and Northeast Sudan.

Knut Krzywinski, Gidske L. Andersen, Howaida AbdElRahman. The Acacia tor-tilis complex – are subspecies genotypes or eco- and management- types?

Mohamed Elnour Yassen; Howaida Faisal AbdElRahman; Asgeir Sorteberg; Torleif Markussen Lunde; Ahmed Hamed ElFaig. Effects of Meteorological Factors on Malaria Cases in Kassala and Gadaref States, Sudan. (Revision with editor)


Final reports Bergen Summer Reseach School: 2008; 2009; 2013;and 2014