
Research Group for European Law

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Forskargruppe for europarett

The members of Bergen European law Research Group (BERG) conduct legal research within several legal fields within EU and EEA law, such as the four freedoms, competition law, public procurement law and state aid law. BERG is situated at the Faculty of Law, University of Bergen.

BERG is affiliated to Bergen Centre for Competition Law and Economics (BECCLE) and to Centre on the Europeanization of Norwegian Law (CENTENOL)  In addition to teaching and research, various research and scholarly activities such as seminars and workshops are arranged, which are open to both students, colleagues and other interested. 

The Research Group is led by Associate Professor Ingrid Margrethe Halvorsen Barlund and Professor Ronny Gjendemsjø

Depicted: Maria Øverland, Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen, Marte Dahl Reisæter, Matias Tvermyr Holmen, Louise Mathilde Zijdeman, Linda Midtun, Jenny Abelvik, Tollef Otterdal Heggen, Ingrid Margrethe Halvorsen Barlund, Christian Franklin, Kristian Strømsnes, Ronny Gjendemsjø, Tore Lunde and Melanie Regine Hack.


Utvalg skal vurdere fremtidens posttjenester

Førsteamanuensis Malgorzata Agnieszka Cyndecka er oppnevnt av Samferdselsdepartementet til utvalget som skal komme med en anbefaling om hva som bør være norsk postpolitikk i årene fremover.

Tollef Otterdal Heggen

Introducing new PhD candidate: Tollef Otterdal Heggen

Tollef Otterdal Heggen has joined BERG as a PhD candidate. The title of his thesis is "The Principle of Mutual Recognition in the Area of Free Movement of Persons in EU Internal Market Law".

Introducing new PhD Candidate

Introducing new PhD candidate: Joséphine Thorson

Joséphine Thorson has joined BERG as a PhD candidate, and her current project deals with “Killer acquisitions in EU competition law”. We are very happy to have her on board!

Are you interested in writing a master thesis within the areas of BERG?

The Research Group also offers the opportunity to write a large (60 ECTS) master thesis in affiliation with the Research Group. To read more about these possibilities, follow this link.


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