Institutt for biovitenskap (BIO)
Økologi og evolusjon

Sperm-seminal fluid interaction and the outcome of sperm competition under different reproductive scenarios

Gjesteforelesning med Lisa Locatello, førsteamanuensis ved Department of Biology, University of Padova


Guest seminar Tuesday 18th February at 12:15-13:00 in K1+K2


Lisa Locatello: "Sperm-seminal fluid interaction and the outcome of sperm competition under different reproductive scenarios



The realization that mating systems are highly promiscuous has triggered a fundamental revolution of sexual selection theory and fostered a huge body of studies supporting the key role of post-copulatory mechanisms, such as sperm competition, on the reckoning of male reproductive success. Sperm competition is a powerful evolutionary force that has been unequivocally proved to shape sperm quality, and an emerging area of intense research is devoted to the contribution of the seminal fluid products to the ejaculate overall competitiveness. In this talk I will present an overview on the studies performed in our lab on two model goby species, which exemplify the crucial role of the interplay between sperm and seminal fluid on the outcome of competition and how it is strongly influenced by the reproductive scenarios.


Lisa Locatello is an evolutionary biologist who has developed fish model systems to resolve fundamental questions in sexual selection. Her work mainly focuses on the mechanisms and adaptive significance of female mate choice and on male strategies of sperm competition. Her experimental approach encompasses behavioural ecology as well as physiology of reproduction. She is currently based at the Department of Biology of the University of Padova (Italy) as a research associate.