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Reporting Deliverables and Milestones

For EU projects, Deliverables and Milestones have to be reported continuously


According to the most recent reporting guidelines published on the EC Participant Portal (ECAS), continuous reporting “is activated at the time the project starts and it is continuously open for the beneficiaries to submit deliverables, to report on progress in achieving milestones, to follow up critical risks, ethics issues, publications, communications activities, and the answers to the questionnaire on horizontal issues”. Detailed information on how to manage continuous reporting in ECAS is given after log in when clicking on the green “How-to” button.

Definitions and short practical guidelines are given below.



are project outputs, such as new knowledge (scientific findings, data, publications), meetings, software or others. Deliverable reports describe and document the progress towards these outputs and need to be uploaded to the EC Participant Portal.

Already during the proposal phase it is determined which beneficiary (institution) of the consortium will have the overall responsibility for which deliverable (output) and which deliverable report. This information is later on also documented in Annex I of the grant agreement. After the project reporting website has been generated by the EC, the list of deliverables (reports) needs to be registered in the EC Participant Portal by the project coordinator.

Compilation of the deliverable reports is usually coordinated by one (or several) appointed contact PIs. The project coordinator’s role, via the respective project director and manager, is to assure that the reports are submitted to the EC by the agreed deadline, and that the research presented therein is both of high quality and consistent with the tasks described in Annex I. A best-practice guide for project managers describing follow-up routines for deliverable reports is included as attachment to this website.

Important: “If the deliverable’s Estimated Delivery Date falls in a given reporting period and the deliverable is not submitted on time, before the periodic report is "Locked for review", you will be asked to justify the delay. Once a deliverable has been submitted, it can't be replaced without an intervention from the Project Officer.”

Note also: Deliverable reports form part of the Periodic Report and are evaluated along with it. You can keep the periodic report concise if you can refer to carefully prepared deliverable reports. For the same reason, we recommend to clearly mention at the beginning of the deliverable report where it is situated within the project’s objectives and tasks.


Siden oppdateres av Friederike Hoffmann



are control points that help the project members and project coordinator keep track of the progress. As for the deliverable reports, the list of milestones indicated in the description of work needs to be registered in the EC Participant Portal by the project coordinator. Work towards milestones should be reported to the EU by the agreed deadline.

To report whether a milestone has been reached, you only need to tick off the corresponding box in the project portal on ECAS  and select the delivery date. Short comments can be added. The text under "means of verification" as given in the description of work is not to be changed for reporting.


Siden oppdateres av Friederike Hoffmann