Matrix Biology course
Welcome June 3-7 2019 to the course BMED904 Matrix Biology. Cell Biology and Physiology of the Extracellular Matrix.

BMED904 is a five day course, running every 2 years, that includes lectures from local researchers and a number of internationally well-known researchers within the field of matrix biology as well as practical laboratory training.
The course will cover various aspects of extracellular matrix (ECM) biology. A recurring theme will be the roles of the various ECM molecules and their functions in health and disease.
Note, all lectures are open to everyone interested!
Course name: BMED904 Biomedical Research Course: Matrix biology. Cell Biology and Physiology of the Extracellular Matrix.
Date: June 3-7, 2019
Registration link:
Candidates at UiB will also need to register via Studentweb, to register the 3 ECTS.
Place: BB-building, 3rd floor. Histology room 2 (histologisal 2) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (except for the Joanna Philips lecture the Thursday at 14.30-15.30, which is in Aud. 4, BB-building, on top of the entrance stairs).
Wednesday: Histology room 1 (histologisal 1).
Arranged by: Bergen Biomedical Research School (BBRS) and Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO).
No course fee.
- The extracellular matrix
- Imaging in biomedical research
- Proteoglycans, cell-matrix receptors
- Focal adhesions and syndecan proteoglycans
- Syndecans and disease
- Matrix metalloproteinases
- Artificial matrices for stem cell culture
- Integrins: role in ECM
- Fibroblast heterogeneity
- The brain matrix and its potential role in disease
- Laminin-deficient muscular dystrophy
- GBM heterogeneity and extracellular regulation of oncogenic signaling
- Transgene techniques
- Proteoglycans – genetic disorders
Speaker list
- Joanna Phillips, University of California, San Francisco, USA
- Jan-Olof Winberg, The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
- John Couchman, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Catherine Merry, University of Nottingham, UK
- Kalle Sipilä, King's College London, UK
- Madeleine Durbeej, Lund University, Sweden
- Ning Lu, University of Bergen, Norway
- Donald Gullberg, University of Bergen, Norway
- Marion Kusche-Gullberg, University of Bergen, Norway
- Frits Alan Thorsen, University of Bergen, Norway
Program: See final program here.
Contact info:
Marion Kusche-Gullberg:
Margarethe Bittins: