CCBIO-seminar – Christopher Elnan Kvistad
Velkommen til CCBIOs seminarserie for høstsemesteret i 2023. Foreleser denne gangen er Christopher Elnan Kvistad, som vil gi oss perspektivet til en nevrolog i foredraget "A brief history of the (failing) neural regeneration in the human CNS". Åpent for alle i auditorium 4, BBB. Registrering er ikke nødvendig.
(Engelsk tekst videre siden seminarene er internasjonale og undervisningsspråket på seminarene er engelsk.)
Speaker: Christopher Elnan Kvistad
Title: A brief history of the (failing) neural regeneration in the human CNS (central nervous system).
Where: Auditorium 4, BB-building
When: November 23, 2023 at 14.30-15.30
No registration necessary.
Christopher Elnan Kvistad is a neurologist and PhD. He has a postdoc in treatment with mesenchymal stem cells in MS, is PI in the SMART-MS study and a clinical career stipend from Helse Vest within the field of stem cell based neuroregeneration.
Abstract: The failure of axons to regenerate is a major obstacle for functional recovery following CNS injury from various etiologies. Why is this? What has research shown us and what is the status today? The following lecture will try to answer these questions in a brief recapitulation of the research progress from 1600 BC until today.