Center for Data Science

Nyhetsarkiv for Center for Data Science

På 15. november vil Universitetet i Bergen kickstarte programmet LEAD AI som skal utdanne fremtidens ledere innen kunstig intelligens. Arrangementet er lagt opp som et bli-kjent-møte for representanter fra de deltakende enhetene ved UiB og programmets partnere.
Fra 7. til 11. august ankom over 50 dataforskere fra hele Norge til årets en felles CEDAS- NORBIS Sommer Skole, for å diskutere datavitenskap og dens biomedisinske anvendelser. Sommerskolen besto av hovedinnlegg, teoretiske og praktiske økter om maskinlæring, statistikk og visuell datavitenskap, og mer.
Introduction of a Factor Augmented Sparse Throughput (FAST) model that utilizes both latent factors and sparse idiosyncratic components for nonparametric regression.
CEDAS, the Center for Data Science at the University of Bergen, and NORBIS, the Norwegian Research School in Bioinformatics, Biostatistics, and Systems Biology, invite both starting and experienced data scientists to an exciting joint summer school on data science and its biomedical applications from 7-11 August 2023.
An exciting seminar about combining evolutionary optimization algorithms with experimental, atomistic resolution target data to create a semi-automated tool for building high-fidelity molecular dynamics models.
29. til 30. august inviterte CEDAS mer enn 40 PhD-studenter, kollegaer, undervisere og andre eksperter innenfor datavitenskap til en utflukt til Solstrand Hotel & Bad for å diskutere relevante temaer innen CEDAS sitt arbeid.
The Center for Data Science (CEDAS) is organizing a networking event, combining scientific sessions on foundational and applied data science with a teaching-related session, discussion groups, and social activities to further facilitate research collaboration among the center’s members (and beyond).
1. april 2022 arrangerte Center for Data Science (CEDAS) og forskningsgruppen Statistikk og Data Science et tverrfakultært seminar for å undersøke og diskutere samarbeidsmuligheter og utfordringer innenfor utdanning i data science ved UiB. Hovedmålet var å knytte tettere samarbeid mellom de ulike instituttene og fakultetene involvert i CEDAS, og starte en diskusjon på hvordan en kan forbedre... Les mer
Lørdag 23. april 2022 arrangerte Matematisk-Naturvitenskapelig Fakultet i samarbeid med universitetets partnere OPPLEV på Marineholmen, en vitenskapelig festival for både store og små. CEDAS, i samarbeid med Statistikk & Data Science gruppen, fikk muligheten til å presentere statistikk via «Sannsynlighetshjulet».
The International Artificial Intelligence in Bergen Research School aims at disseminating recent advances on AI. It is mainly intended for master and Ph.D. students, postdocs, and researchers wishing to learn more about the theme of the research school. In 2022, the broad theme of the school is: Knowledge Graphs and Machine Learning.
This seminar will present some of the speakers' space-level AI research activities to assess storm-caused damage to infrastructure networks.
Setting up data science institutions poses rather fundamental questions: What kind of institutions are we building? Who are we serving? What are the politics? In this talk I would like take stock of the larger context: a world lacking futures, fragmented academic disciplines, and the dystopian use of technology.
The talk will be focusing mainly on spatio-temporal data such as molecular dynamics simulations which are unfavorably known to be hard to visualize. In addition, the speaker will touch upon other biochemical datasets where the “curse of dimensionality” poses the biggest visualization challenge.
The very first CEDAS-conference (Center for Data Science at the University of Bergen) was held the 1st and 2nd of June both virtually and physically in Bergen.
Does your work involve data science? Are you curious about research in data science in Bergen? The CEDAS conference 2021 will be a 2-day event featuring talks and discussion by leading international scientists and local experts on the interaction between data science, statistics, machine learning, and AI, as well as their applications in science and society.
