Department of Government

Trial Lecture and Public Defence: Md Akram Hossain

On August 12, 2022 Md Akram Hossain will defend his doctoral thesis for the PhD Degree at the University of Bergen

Main content


"Democratic Legitimacy in South Asia and Beyond: Does Culture Matter?"

Press release 

The press release is found here

Trial lecture

11 August 2022, 15.15-16.00

“What is authoritarianism and how do we distinguish the different forms non-democratic rule can take and the basis for their exercise of power?”

Link to Zoom Webinar for the trial lecture.

Public defence

12 August 2022, 10.15-14.30 

Link to Zoom Webinar for the public defence.

Venue for the trial lecture and public defence: 

Lite auditorium, Det samfunnsvitenskapelige fakultet (Fosswinckels gate 6) and Zoom Webinar.


Leader of the defense: Professor Lise Rykkja, Department of Government, Universitety of Bergen
