Student Poster Symposium at BIO - Autumn 2024
Everyone is warmly welcome to the student poster symposium for the following BIO-courses: BIO299, MOL231, and BIO300A

BIO / J .Soulé
Main content
Everyone is warmly welcome to the student poster symposium for the following BIO-courses:
- All posters will be on display in the mezzanine area of VilVite from 12:00 - 15:30
- Students will be giving one-minute-presentations of their posters in the Auditorium at VilVite.
- All posters will also be available online on bioPITCH
Program for the Student Postersymposium
12:00-15:30 All posters on display in the mezzanine area
12:15-13:10 Session One in the auditorium
13:10-14:15 View posters in mezzanine area
14:15-14:50 Session Two in the auditorium
14:50-15:30 View posters in the mezzanine area
15:30 All posters are taken down and returned to BIO
Everyone is welcome!