Grant from Bergen Research Foundation to Oleksii Nikolaienko
3.3 million over 3 years awarded to Dr. Oleksii Nikolaienko for research on Translational Neuropsychiatry

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Bergen Research Foundation (formerly named Bergen Medical Research Foundation) aims to financially support young and promising candidates towards a career in research. The organization is founded by Trond Mohn and awards grants on a yearly basis to one or several researchers who have finished their postdoctoral period.
For the 2014-call: “Recruitment of young Researchers in Translational Medicine” Oleksii Nikolaienko has been awarded a grant to work with the project: “Translational neuropsychiatry: impact of genetic variations in synaptic plasticity-related genes”. The grant is 1.1 million NOK per year over a period of three years.
Oleksii is employed by the Department of Biomedicine in the Neuroscience Research Group with Clive Bramham as mentor. The aim of this project is to study the role of the Arc protein in neuropsychiatric disorders and memory function and the project involves a tight collaboration with Professor Jan Haavik at the KG Jebsen Centre for Research on Neuropsychiatric Disorders and with Professor Aurora Martinez in protein structural biology.