Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
CCBIO Seminar series

CCBIO Seminars

CCBIO has a monthly research seminar where invited guests and international speakers or the principal and associate investigators focus on current research topics and updates. The CCBIO seminars are well visited and received.

Collage of photos from the CCBIO seminars.
Eli Vidhammer/Jørgen Barth/Oleg Tsinkalovsky

Main content

Seminars in 2025

30.01.25, Austin James Rayford

Speaker: Austin James Rayford, University of Bergen
Title: A conserved culprit: Targeting dual AXL-mediated mechanisms of immunotherapy resistance in lung cancer patients
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Carina Strell

20.02.25, Eirik Malinen

Speaker: Eirik Malinen, associate professor in biophysics and medical physics at the University of Oslo / Oslo University Hospital.
Title: Proton therapy - bridging cancer medicine and physics
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Carina Strell 


Speaker: to be announced
Title: to be announced
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: to be announced

24.04.25, Stein Erik Gullaksen

Speaker: Stein Erik Gullaksen
Title: to be announced
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Carina Strell

22.05.25, Marcus Buschbeck

Speaker: Marcus Buschbeck, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain.
Title: to be announced
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Carina Strell, Mathias Ziegler


Speaker: to be announced
Title: to be announced
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: to be announced

Seminars in 2024

25.01.24, Vibeke Fosse

Speaker: Vibeke Fosse, CCBIO, MS in veterinary companion animal oncology and veterinary surgeon, and currently a PhD candidate in the McCormack and Bjørge groups.
Title: Comparative oncology:  a valuable model for cancer immunotherapy research 
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Emmet McCormack

22.02.24, Diane Bielenberg

Speaker: Diane Bielenberg, Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston , Massachusetts, USA.
TitleNeuropilin-2 is Immune Suppressive During Early Stages of Carcinogenesis 
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Dana Costea  

21.03.24, Mika Kontro

Speaker: Mika Kontro, MD, PhD is an adjunct professor and a consultant in clinical hematology at the Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center. 
Title: Functional Screening for Precision Medicine Approaches in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

05.04.24, CCBIO Special Career Seminar: From startup to pharmaceutical industry

Speakers: Gro Gausdal, PhD, CEO, Bjørgvin Therapeutics Group AS; Camille Claudius, MD, HD, Head of Medical Affairs, Astellas Nordics; and Ann Theres Poblenz, PhD, Medical Affairs Therapy Area Lead, Oncology, Astellas Nordics.
TitleFrom startup to pharmaceutical industry
Time: 11:30
Place: Auditorium B302, Sentralblokka 3rd floor
Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

25.04.24, Ingvild Sandøy

Speaker: Ingvild Sandøy, BCEPS
Title: The Bergen Centre for Ethics and Priority Setting in Health
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Roger Strand

30.05.24, Antonio Curti - cancelled due to illness

Speaker: Antonio Curti, University of Bologna, Italy
Title: Driver mutations and immune microenvironment in acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson:  Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

20.06.24, Synnøve Yndestad 

Speaker: Synnøve Yndestad, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen
Title: Homology Repair Deficiency in Breast Cancer; Lessons from the  PETREMAC trial
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Carina Strell  

29.08.24, Mari Kyllesø Halle

Speaker: Mari Kyllesø Halle, UiB
Title: Decoding the Landscape of Cancer Vulnerabilities in high-risk Cervical Cancer
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Stein-Erik Gullaksen  

26.09.24, Marit Valla

Speaker: Marit Valla, Associate professor in pathology at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU.
Title: Artificial intelligence: A revolution within medical image analysis
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen

31.10.24, Karen Rosnes Gissum

Speaker: Karen Rosnes Gissum, UiB
Title: Navigating Ovarian Cancer Complexities: A Shared Decision-Making Approach
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Carina Strell

28.11.24, Janine Erler

Speaker: Professor Janine Erler, leader of the Erler Lab, a cancer biology research group at the Biotechnology Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC) at the University of Copenhagen.
Title: Targeting the metastatic niche
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

12.12.24, Frances Balkwill

Speaker: Professor Frances Balkwill OBE, FMedSci, Centre for Tumour Microenvironment, Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University of London, UK.
TitleCells are Us – experiences in science communication and public engagement
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen


Seminars in 2023

26.01.23, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, CCBIO PI, Professor of Hematology at the Department of Clinical Science at the University of Bergen, Research Chief and Consultant Hematologist at Helse Bergen Health Trust.
Title: Early response evaluation by single cell signaling profiling in myeloid leukemia
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Erling Høivik    

23.02.23, Lucy Yates – CANCELLED due to illness.   

23.03.23, Michael Rogers

CCBIO Special Seminar with Michael Rogers, Harvard Medical School and the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital
Title: “Neuro-immune communication in endometriosis, a novel therapeutic target?” 
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen

30.03.23, Edward R. Smith

CCBIO Special Seminar with Edward R. Smith, Harvard Medical School and the Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital
Title: "Learning from tumor to treat stroke"
Time: 11:30
Place: Auditorium B301, Sentralblokken 3rd floor, Haukeland University Hospital
Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen

30.03.23, Martin Götte

Dr. Martin Götte, University of Münster, Germany
Title: "The multifunctional nature of Syndecan-1 in breast cancer"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

27.04.23, Linda Lindström

Linda Lindström, Associate Professor in Cancer Epidemiology and group leader at the Department of Oncology and Pathology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Title: "Breast cancer inter and intra-patient heterogeneity and long-term risk to develop distant metastatic disease"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

25.05.23, JianFeng Chen

JianFeng Chen, Professor at the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
Title: "Control of lymphocyte homing by two-way tuning of integrin activation"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

15.06.23, Tuula Salo

Tuula Salo, University of Helsinki
Title: "Personalized oral cancer treatment assays"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Dana Costea   

31.08.23, Juan Rodríguez Vita

Juan Rodríguez Vita, Centro de Investigacíon Príncipe Felipe, Valencia, Spain.
Title: "Hyaluronic acid is a master regulator of tumor stroma"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairpersons: Line Bjørge and Emmet McCormack

28.09.23, Oddbjørn Straume

Oddbjørn Straume, CCBIO, University of Bergen and Haukeland University Hospital.
Title: "Predictive markers of response to immune checkpoint blockade in melanoma - experience from a randomized clinical trial"  
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: to be announced

26.10.23, Arne Östman

Arne Östman, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
Title: "Spatially enriched multi-marker human CAF-subsets linked to treatment response, prognosis, driver mutations, immune features and micro-niches"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

23.11.23, Christopher Elnan Kvistad

Christopher Elnan Kvistad, Neuro-SysMed, University of Bergen and Haukeland University hospital, Bergen, Norway
Title: "A brief history of the (failing) neural regeneration in the human CNS (central nervous system)"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

14.12.23, Thomas H. Barker

Thomas H. Barker, Professor in Biomedical Engineering, the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
Title: “Targeting the Matrix in a matrix-centric disease: The holy grail of Fibrosis therapeutics?
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Donald Gullberg


Seminars in 2022

20.01.22, Donald Gullberg

Title: "α11β1, a mesenchymal collagen-binding integrin with a central role in tissue- and tumor fibrosis"

17.02.22, Kaisa Lehti

Kaisa Lehti, Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim
Title: “Crosstalk of desmoplastic tumor microenvironment and ovarian cancer in metastasis and therapy resistance
Time: 14:30
Chairperson: Line Bjørge

31.03.22, Shin Kaneko

Shin Kaneko, Department of Cell Growth and Differentiation, Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto University, Kyoto City, Japan
Title:  iPSC-based killer cell regeneration for cancer immunotherapy
Time: 14:30
Place: Webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Jim Lorens

28.04.22, Therese Sørlie

Therese Sørlie, Department of Cancer Genetics, Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital, and Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo
TitleFGFR1 as a biomarker and target for therapy in hormone receptor positive breast cancer
Time: 14:30 (Note: Auditorium 1 this time)
Place: Webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

10.06.22, CCBIO Special Seminar with Sheila Jasanoff and Stephen Hilgartner

The 2022 Holberg Laureate, Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University) in conversation with Stephen Hilgartner (Cornell University). Jasanoff and Hilgartner are internationally leading scholars in Science and Technology Studies (STS) and have done extensive research on the social dimensions and politics of biomedicine and biotechnology (among other fields).
Title: Can science make sense of life?
Time: 09.30-10.15
Place: Store Auditorium, Haukeland University Hospital
Chairperson: Roger Strand

13.06.22, Torsten O. Nielsen

Torsten O. Nielsen MD/PhD FRCPC, Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, MD/PhD Program Director, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Canada.
Title: Breast Cancer Biomarker Development: Intrinsic Subtypes, Ki67 and Proteomics
Time: June 13, 2022 at 13.00
Place: The auditorium in Armauer Hansens Hus, Haukelandsveien 28, Bergen
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

25.08.22, Carina Strell

Carina Strell, Department of Clinical Medicine and CCBIO, University of Bergen  Welcome seminar for Carina Strell who has received a TMS Starting Grant and will be establishing a research group on breast cancer here with us at the UiB. 
Title: Perspectives on early breast cancer – molecular biology and epidemiology

  • Opening by Lars A. Akslen
  • Remarks by the Trond Mohn Foundation, Faculty of Medicine and Department of Clinical Medicine (K1)
  • Presentation by Carina Strell: Tumor-Stroma Interactions Driving Progression and Therapy-Resistance of DCIS
  • Presentation by Therese Sørlie: Intrinsic subtypes and spatial heterogeneity in Ductal Carcinoma In Situ
  • Presentation by Solveig Hofvind: Early detection of breast cancer in a screening and registry perspective
  • Discussion and closing remark

Time: 13:00
Place: Auditorium in Armauer Hansens Hus
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

29.09.22, Klaus Pantel

Speaker: Klaus Pantel, Director of the Institute of Tumor Biology, Center for Experimental Medicine, UKE Hamburg. 
Title: "The promise of ctDNA and CTCs in the evaluation of cancer treatment efficacy"
Time: 12:30
Place: digtal event in Zoom
Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen

27.10.22, Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz

Speaker: Dr. Ingeborg Tinhofer-Keilholz, Department of Radiooncology and Radiotherapy, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin.
Title: "Advanced animal-free preclinical models for head and neck cancer.
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson: Dana Costea

24.11.22, Donald Gullberg

Speaker: Donald Gullberg, CCBIO PI and Prosessor at the Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen
Title: "Advances in fibroblast biology"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB

15.12.22, Tim Coorens

Speaker: Tim Coorens
Title:  "Using somatic mutations to reconstruct the life histories of normal and cancer cells"
Time: 14:30
Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
Chairperson:Camilla Krakstad

Seminars in 2021

28.01.21, Arne Östman

Arne Östman, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institute (KI), Sweden, and CCBIO affiliated international investigator.
Title: "Cancer-associated fibroblasts; novel subsets associated with tumor biology features, outcome and response to treatment"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

25.02.21, Mark LaBarge

Mark LaBarge, Department of Population Sciences, Beckman Research Institute at City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA
Title: "Epigenetic priming in mammary epithelia underlies susceptibility to age-related cancers: causes, consequences, and countermeasures"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen

25.03.21, Randolph Watnick

Randolph Watnick, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital, and Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, US
Title: "Identification of a novel paracrine acting stimulator of tumor growth and progression via modulation of Tsp-1 in the tumor microenvironment"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

29.04.21, Ian Mills

Ian Mills, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, and Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford, UK
Title: "Non-oncogene addiction and the stress phenotype of prostate cancer cells"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Karl-Henning Kalland

27.05.21, Ellen Pure

Ellen Pure, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Title: "Flanking solid tumors via immune-mediated disruption of desmoplastic stroma"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

10.06.21, Andrew Leask

Andrew Leask, School of Dentistry, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK, Canada
Title: "Microenvironmental control of fibrosis: a central role for the CCN family of matricellular proteins"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

26.08.21, Hege F. Berg

Hege F. Berg, Krakstad group, University of Bergen
Title: “Endometrial cancer model systems to improve treatment
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Harsh Dongre

30.09.21, Emmet McCormack

Emmet McCormack, Department of Clinical Science / CCBIO, University of Bergen
Title: "Imaging preclinical tumour models: improving translational power"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

28.10.21, Sebastian Marwitz

Sebastian Marwitz, PI at the Lung Research Center, Borstel, Germany
Title: "A pathway and spatial biology approach to NSCLC"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

25.11.21, Emily Arner

Emily Arner, the Brekken lab, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Texas, USA
Title: "AXL-TBK1 driven nuclear AKT3 stabilizes snail/slug to promote EMT"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Jim Lorens

16.12.21, Eystein Jansen

Eystein Jansen, UIB, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research
Title: "Climate Research in Bergen - Strategic choices and challenges that paved the way"
Time: 14:30
Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

Seminars in 2020

    09.01.20, Cancer in the News

    CCBIO Special Seminar on the topic Cancer in the News. Speakers: Irmelin W Nilsen, UiB, Mille S Stenmarck, UiB, Tine Dommerud, Aftenposten and Knut Helland, UiB.
    Time: 13:00
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Roger Strand

    30.01.20, Johannes A. Eble

    Johannes Eble, Institute of Physiological Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre, University of Münster, Germany.
    Title: "Beating around the bush, yet hitting the point: CAFs and vasculogenic mimicry vessels as anticancer targets"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

    31.01.20, Iain Johnston

    CCBIO Special Seminar with speaker Iain Johnston, Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen.
    Title: "HyperTraPS: Learning pathways of disease (and cancer) progression from data."
    Time: 15:15
    Place: Auditorium H113, Hospital main building
    Chairperson: Line Bjørge

    20.02.20, Rameen Beroukhim

    Rameen Beroukhim, Associate Professor of Medical Oncology at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School, and Associate Member of the Broad Institute.
    Title: "Ancestry-associated features in cancer
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad

    19.03.20, Akinyemi Ojesina - CANCELLED - 

    Akinyemi Ojesina, Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), and an Adjunct Faculty Investigator at the HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology.
    Title: "Interplay of Microbial Influences and Genomic Alterations in Cancer"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad

    30.04.20,  CANCELLED  

    Title: TBA
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB

    28.05.20, JianFeng Chen

    Professor JianFeng Chen, Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China.
    Title: Regulation of immune cell trafficking by extracellular microenvironment
    Time: 10:00
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg.

    11.06.20, Biaoyang Lin

    Biaoyang Lin, Zhejiang University, China.
    Title: "Critical roles of Chitinase 3-like 1 (CHI3L1) in inflammation, fibrosis and cancer"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Karl-Henning Kalland.

    27.08.20, Ritva Heljasvaara

    Ritva Heljasvaara, University of Oulu, Finland
    Title: "Novel roles of collagens and a11 integrin in solid cancers"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

    24.09.20, Joyce Bischoff

    Joyce Bischoff, Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School with a primary appointment in the Vascular Biology Program and Department of Surgery at Boston Children’s Hospital.
    Title: "Endothelial Anomalies in Vascular Tumors and Vascular Malformations"
    Time: 14:00
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik

    28.09.20, Hong Chen

    CCBIO Special Seminar with speaker Hong Chen, Principal Investigator and Research Associate at Vascular Biology Program in Boston Children’s Hospital and Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School.
    Title: “Endocytic Adaptor Protein Epsin is a Gatekeeper of the Quiescent Endothelium
    Time: 14:00
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik

    30.09.20. Edward R. Smith

    CCBIO Special Seminar with speaker Edward R. Smith, professor of neurosurgery at Harvard Medical School, the R. Michael Scott Chair in Neurosurgery at Boston Children’s Hospital and the Co-Director of the Cerebrovascular Surgery and Interventions Center.
    Title: “Learning from tumor to treat stroke
    Time: 14:00
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik

    01.10.20, Mike Rogers

    CCBIO Special Seminar with Mike Rogers, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School and Research Associate, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children's Hospital.
    Title: “Metastasis without a tumor
    Time: 14:00
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik

    21.10.20, Mini Symposium on Endometrial Cancer

    Title: "Endometrial cancer - How will new molecular knowledge influence the way we are treating our patients?"
    Speakers: Alicia Leon del Castillo, Leiden, Alexandra Leary, Paris, Mansoor R Mirza, Copenhagen, Katrine Woie, Bergen, and Ane Gerda Zahl Eriksson, Oslo.
    Time: 15:00 - 17.00
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairpersons: Camilla Krakstad and Line Bjørge

    05.11.20, Huocong Huang

    Speaker: Huocong Huang, Department of Surgery, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
    Title: Heterogeneity of cancer-associated fibroblasts in pancreatic cancer
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Jim Lorens

    26.11.20, Fréderic Amant

    Speaker: Professor Frédéric Amant, KU Leuven, Belgium and University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
    Title: “Exploiting patient-derived preclinical models to identify biomarkers of response/resistance to therapy in (high grade) gynecological cancers
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad

    17.12.20, Jean Paul Thiery

    Speaker: Jean Paul Thiery, Bioland Laboratory, Guangzhou Regenerative Medicine and Health, People’s Republic of China, and CCBIO, University of Bergen, Norway
    Title: "Epithelial mesenchymal transition in carcinoma; therapeutic intervention"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Digital event, as a webinar in Zoom
    Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen


    Seminars in 2019

    31.01.19, Cord Brakebusch

    Cord Brakebusch, Biotech Research and Innovation Center (BRIC), University of Copenhagen, Denmark
    Title:  "Epigenetic control of skin inflammation"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

    06.02.19, Opening Symposium for the Hyperion Imaging System

    CCBIO Special Seminar
    Introduction to the research possibilities offered by the Hyperion Imaging System and examples of groundbreaking research in a high level keynote lecture by Dr. Dario Bressan, Head of the IMAXT Laboratory, CRUK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.
    Link to info and abstracts.
    Time: 13:00
    Place: Auditorium 2, BBB

    21.02.19, Diane Bielenberg

    Diane Bielenberg, Assistant Professor, Vascular Biology Program, Boston Children’s Hospital, Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School
    Title: "Targeting Neuropilin Pathways to Inhibit Metastasis"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik

    28.03.19, Gaoxiang Ge  

    Gaoxiang Ge, Shanghai institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China
    Title: "Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in Tissue Homeostasis and Diseases"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

    25.04.19, Øystein Rekdal

    Øystein Rekdal, PhD, from Lytix Biopharma AS and The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø
    Title: "From Bench to Bedside with a first in class oncolytic peptide"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

    23.05.19, Valerie Weaver

    Valerie M. Weaver, Center for Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration, Department of Surgery, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA, USA
    Title: "Forcing tumor risk, transformation and aggression"
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    ChairpersonLars A. Akslen

    06.06.19, Joanna Phillips

    Joanna Phillips, UCSF Department of Neurological Surgery, Helen Diller Cancer Center, University of California San Francisco, CA, USA
    Title: "GBM heterogeneity and extracellular regulation of oncogenic signaling"
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    ChairpersonMarion Kusche-Gullberg

    15.08.19, Innovation in Cancer Therapy

    CCBIO Special Seminar. Speakers from Alden Cancer Therapy II, BerGenBio, DC Prime, KINN Therapeutics, Pfizer Norway, PubGene, SINTEF
    Time: 12:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BB-building
    Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

    05.09.19, Sushma-Nagaraja Grellscheid

    Sushma-Nagaraja Grellscheid, Associate Professor at the Department of Biological Sciences (BIO), University of Bergen, on the topic of RNA splicing.
    Title: Understanding alternative splicing regulation in health and disease.
    Time: Thursday September 5th at 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BB-building
    Chairperson: Agnete Engelsen

    18.09.19, Bruce Baguley

    CCBIO Special Seminar with invited speaker Professor Bruce Baguley, University of Auckland, Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, New Zealand
    Title: Do human cancer cell lines really behave in the same way as clinical tumor material?
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Jim Lorens

    26.09.19, Karl Kadler

    Professor Karl Kadler, Director at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, Manchester, UK.
    TitleCircadian control of the secretory pathway is a central mechanism in tissue homeostasis
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg

    04.10.19, Clinical trials in the future

    CCBIO Mini Symposium. Speakers:
    Fredrik Öhrn, Gothenburg: Design of clinical trials in the future
    Donal LandersManchester: Digital experimental medicine in Oncology
    Ketil Widerberg, Oslo: How artificial intelligence can improve clinical trials
    The Norwegian Cancer Society: Use of patients as co-scientists / Decision aids
    Time: 12:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairpersons: Line Bjørge and Hani Gabra.

    31.10.19, Daniela Elena Costea

    Daniela Elena Costea, Associated Investigator at CCBIO and Professor in tumor pathology, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen.
    Title: “My sabbatical year at University of California, San Diego: Conditional expression of HPV16 E6/E7 onco-proteins and PIK3CA is sufficient to initiate HPV-associated carcinogenesis.”
    Time: Thursday October 31st at 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BB-building
    Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

    28.11.19, Speaker Curzio Ruegg

    Professor Curzio Ruegg, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Science, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
    Title: Chemotherapy-induced immunological dormancy in breast cancer
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Auditorium 4, BBB
    Chairperson: Oddbjørn Straume

    12.12.19, Speaker Srinivas Malladi

    CCBIO Special Seminar with Dr. Srinivas Malladi from the Department of Pathology, UT Southwestern, Dallas.
    TitleMetastatic Latency - Models and Mechanisms
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Birkhaugsalen, 3rd floor Sentralblokken
    Chairperson: James Lorens

    12.12.19, Speaker Anders Goksøyr

    Professor Anders Goksøyr, Department of Biological Sciences (BIO), University of Bergen.
    TitleFrom feminized fish to obese mice – On endocrine and metabolic disruption in wildlife (and the lab)
    Time: 14:30
    Place: Birkhaugsalen, 3rd floor Sentralblokken
    Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen

    Seminars in 2018

    01.02.18, Helge Wiig

    Professor Helge Wiig, Department of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen
    Title: "Lessons from a black box –The extracellular microenvironment and lymphatics in malignant tissue"

    22.02.18, Ole Frithjof Norheim

    Professor Ole Frithjof Norheim, physician and professor in medical ethics at the Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care, University of Bergen, and adjunct professor at the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Norheim is also a CCBIO associate investigator.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Roger Strand
    Title: "Can biomarkers improve priority setting for new, expensive cancer drugs?"

    22.03.18, Aaron Meyer

    Assistant Professor Aaron Meyer, Department of Bioengineering, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA).
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Jim Lorens
    Title: "Engineering more precise and potent TAM-targeted therapies"

    26.04.18, Ian Mackenzie

    Professor Ian Mackenzie from the Centre for Cell Biology and Cutaneous Research, the Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Anne Christine Johannessen
    Title: "Stem cell plasticity in head and neck cancers

    31.05.18, Aurora Martinez.

    Professor Aurora Martinez from the Department of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Camilla Krakstad
    Title: "Pharmacological chaperoning: a potential treatment for genetic diseases, including some cancer syndromes."

    07.06.18, Arvid Lundervold.

    Professor Arvid Lundervold from the Department of Biomedicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen.
    Title: "Computational imaging and machine learning in biomedicine"

    30.08.18, Edna Cukierman

    Edna Cukierman from the Department of Cancer Biology, Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg.
    Title: “Oncogenic synapses; stromal regulators of pancreatic cancer, metabolic support and innate immunosuppression”.  

    19.09.18, Bruce Zetter, Merle Jacob, Lars A. Akslen and Roger Strand

    CCBIO Special Seminar. Statements and reflection around the concept of excellence in research, incl. Harvard experiences. The seminar is organized as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership.
    Time: 13.00
    Title: "What is Scientfic Excellence?"

    20.09.18, Michael Rogers and Bruce Zetter

    CCBIO Special Seminar. The seminar is organized as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership.
    Time: 09.00-12.00
    Michael Rogers: "Validation of Anthrax Toxin Receptor 2 (Antxr2/CMG2) as a Target for Small Molecule Antiangiogenic Therapy."
    Bruce Zetter: "Drug discovery for treating metastatic cancers."
    Read more here.

    27.09.18, Staffan Strömblad

    Staffan Strömblad from the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg.
    Title: "Novel cell-matrix adhesion structures"

    03.10.18, Marsha Moses, Roland Jonsson, Roopali Roy, Anne Blanchard

    CCBIO Special Seminar. The seminar is organized as part of the CCBIO/Harvard INTPART partnership.
    Time: 13.00-16.00
    Title "The Importance of Mentoring for Career Development". The seminar will consist of short presentations, panel discussion and interactions with the audience.
    Note that location is not Aud. 4 at BBB this time, but B302 at Haukeland Univ. Hospital, Sentralblokka (main building), 3rd floor.

    25.10.18, Arne Östman

    Professor Arne Östman, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden, and also CCBIO international affiliated researcher.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen.
    Title:  "Prognostic and response-predictive potential of tumor-stroma cell subsets."

    29.11.18, Frédéric Amant

    Frédéric Amant from the Center for Gynecologic Oncology, Netherlands Cancer Institute and Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Professor Amant is also one of CCBIO's international affiliated researchers.
    Time: 13:30 (Note: one hour earlier than usual)
    Chairperson: Elisabeth Wik.
    Title: "Cancer during pregnancy: a multidisciplinary approach in an INCIP research setting"

    13.12.18 - Cedric Zeltz

    Cedric Zeltz, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada.
    Time: 14:30
    Note: Auditorium is Birkhaugsalen this time, at Sentralblokken (Haukeland University Hospital main building), 3rd floor.
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg.
    Title: "Importance of the tumor microenvironment in non-small cell lung cancer: Examples of stromal proteins as potential therapeutical targets"


    Seminars in 2017

    The seminar dates and speakers for 2017 are:

    26.01.17, Norman J. Maitland

    Norman J. Maitland, Department of Biology, University of York, UK.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Karl-Henning Kalland
    Title: Modelling of cell fate and differentiation using tissue-derived human prostate epithelial cells

    23.02.17, Øystein Bruserud

    Øystein Bruserud, the Leukaemia Research Group, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Norway.
    Time: 14:30
    Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
    Title: Classification and prognostication of acute myeloid leukemia – the past, the present and the future

    16.03.17, Klas Wiman

    Klas Wiman, the Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden.
    Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
    Title: Targeting missense and nonsense mutant p53 in cancer – from molecular biology to the clinic

    27.04.17, Robert Lafyatis - CANCELLED

    Robert Lafyatis, Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology,University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, USA.
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg
    Title: Understanding cellular heterogeneity and fibrosis in systemic sclerosis skin using single cell RNAseq: SFRP2/DPP4 and FMO1/LSP1 define two major fibroblast populations in normal skin

    11.05.17, Ulf Landegren

    Ulf Landegren, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Chairperson: Rolf Kåre Reed
    Title: Molecular tools for high performance analyses of proteins and nucleic acids

    15.06.17, Kalle Sipila

    Kalle Sipila, Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, King's College London, UK
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg
    Title: Integrative genomic and functional analysis of human primary oral SCC cells

    28.09.17, Nuno M. Coelho 

    Nuno M. Coelho, Matrix Dynamics Group, University of Toronto
    Chairperson: Donald Gullberg
    Title: DDR1 expression, collagen-dependent activation and signalling in cancer and tissue fibrosis

    26.10.17, Jan Jacob Schuringa

    Jan Jacob SchuringaDepartment of Experimental Hematology, Cancer Research Centre Groningen, University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands
    Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
    Title: Towards identification and targeting of leukemic stem cells and (epi)genetically distinct subclones using humanized niche xenograft mouse models

    03.11.17, CCBIO Special Seminar, Rameen Beroukhim

    Rameen Beroukhim, Department of Medical Oncology and Department of Cancer Biology, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA.
    Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen
    Title: Structural variations in the cancer genome

    23.11.17, Satu Mustjoki

    Satu Mustjoki, Hematology Research Unit Helsinki, Department of Clinical Chemistry and Hematology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center, Finland
    Chairperson: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
    Title: Immunogenicity in hematological malignancies and immunological effects of targeted therapy

    12.12.17, CCBIO Special Seminar, Randolph Watnick

    Randolph Watnick, the Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School and the Vascular Biology Program at Boston Children’s Hospital, USA.
    Chairperson: Lars A. Akslen
    Title: A novel mechanism governing tumor initiation and cancer stem cell function.


    Seminars in 2016

    28.01.2016, Jean-Christophe Bourdon

    Jean-Christophe Bourdon, Division of Cancer Research, Jacqui Wood Cancer Centre, University of Dundee, United Kingdom. 
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
    Title: A decade of research on p53 sumarised.


    25.02.2016, Olivier De Wever

    Olivier De Wever, Laboratory of Experimental Cancer Research, Ghent University, Belgium.
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Donald Gullberg
    Title: Communication in the tumor environment: diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities.


    17.03.2016, Lutz P. Müller

    Lutz P. Müller, MD; Clinic for Internal Medicine IV - Hematology / Oncology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale), Germany.
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Donald Gullberg
    Title: Growth promotion of colorectal cancer by mesenchymal stromal cells – when and how?


    28.04.2016, Krister Wennerberg

    Krister Wennerberg, Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland, University of Helsinki, Finland.
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen
    Title: Targeting cancers using individual systems medicine


    26.05.2016 CCBIO Special Seminar

    Speaker: Anne Blanchard and invited speakers
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Roger Strand
    Title: Pharma and public cancer biomarker research in the transition from a blockbuster model to personalised medicine


    16.06.2016, Gwendalyn J. Randolph

    Gwendalyn J. Randolph, Division of Immunology, School of Medicine, Washington University in St. Lois, USA.
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Rolf K. Reed
    Title: The Lymphatic vasculature in immunity and inflammatory disease


    25.08.2016, Jonathan M. Irish

    Jonathan M. Irish, Department of Cancer Biology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
    Time: 14:30, Auditorium 2.
    Host: James Lorens
    Title: Decoding human tumor microenvironments and healthy tissues using high dimensional single cell mass cytometry 


    29.09.2016, Herbert Schiller

    Herbert Schiller, Comprehensive Pneumology Center, Institute of Lung Biology and Disease, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Germany
    Time: 14:30, Auditorium 4.
    Host: Donald Gullberg
    Title: Multi-dimensional proteomics of the extracellular matrix in regeneration and fibrosis



    27.10.16 is cancelled, new date will be announced.
    Time: 14.30, Auditorium 2
    Hosts: Jan Håvik and Donald Gullberg


    10.11.2016, CCBIO/OCC Network Meeting

    A joint R&D Network titled "Personalized Cancer Therapy: Repurposing and in vitro drug screens

    Time: 10:30-17.00, aud. 4 till lunchbreak, aud. 2 after lunchbreak, BB-building.


    01.12.2016, Jean-Paul Thiery

    Jean-Paul Thiery, Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO, The University of Bergen, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore, University Paris Denis Diderot, Paris, France and Comprehensive Cancer Center Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France.
    Title: "Epithelial cell plasticity in carcinoma: Harnessing mechanisms controlling biomechanics and progression of malignancy for the design of new therapeutic strategies"

    Time: 14.30, Auditorium 4
    Host: James B. Lorens


    15.12.2016, Kenneth Hugdahl

    Kenneth Hugdahl, Department of Biological and Medical Psychology, University of Bergen.
    Excellence in science: Experience with ERC Advanced Grants
    Time: 14:30, Auditorium 4.
    Host: Lars Akslen

    Seminars in 2015


    22.01.2015, John Cairns

    John Cairns, Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), Department of Economics, University of Bergen, and Department of Health Services Research and Policy, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom.
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Roger Stand

    Title: "Assessing the cost-effectiveness of bevacizumab in the treatment of metastatic melanoma"


    19.02.2015, Anne Christine Johannessen

    Anne Christine Johannessen, Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen.
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Roger Stand

    Title: "Oral cancer – ongoing research with special focus on tumour microenvironment"


    26.03.2015, Hani Gabra

    Hani Gabra, Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, UK.
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Helga Salvesen

    Title: "OPCML, a tumour suppressor and novel systems regulator of tyrosine kinase signalling in ovarian and other cancers"


    08.04.2015, Rik Thompson and John Haley

    CCBIO special seminar with keynote speakers:

    Rik Thompson, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane Australia. See more introduction here to Rik Thompson.

    John D. Haley, Stony Brook School of Medicine New York, SBU Cancer Center and SBU Proteomics Center.

    Title: "Tumor plasticity and drug resistance
    Host: James Lorens.
    Time: 14:00-16.00.


    30.04.2015, Lorena Arranz

    Lorena Arranz, Stem Cell Aging and Cancer Research Group, Department of Medical Biology, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø

    Title: Neuroglial dysregulation of the haematopoietic stem cell niche in myeloid leukaemias
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen


    28.05.2015, Neil C. Henderson

    Neil C. Henderson, MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Edinburgh, UK.

    Title: Targeting of pericytes and tissue myofibroblasts during organ fibrogenesis
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Donald Gullberg


    11.06.2015, Robert S. Kerbel

    A combined CCBIO and BBB seminar

    Robert S. Kerbel, Biological Sciences Platform, Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, and Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, Canada

    Title: Antiangiogenic therapeutics in oncology: Overview, update, and future directions
    Time: 14:30
    Host: Oleg Tsinkalovsky


    27.08.2015, Roya Navab

    Speaker: Roya Navab, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada

    Title: Integrin α11β1 regulates cancer stromal stiffness and promotes tumorigenicity and metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Donald Gullberg


    24.09.2015, Bruce Baguley

    Speaker: Bruce Baguley, the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

    Title: The importance of being... a receptor tyrosine kinase.
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Jim Lorens


    15.10.2015, Matthew G. Krebs

    Combined BBB and CCBIO Seminar.

    Speaker: Matthew G. Krebs, Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology Group, Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, University of Manchester, UK.

    Title: Circulating biomarkers in early phase drug development for lung cancer.
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen


    22.10.2015, Eric Sahai

    Speaker: Eric Sahai, the Francis Crick Institute, London.

    Title: The role of CAFs in therapy failure. Intravital imaging reveals how stroma dictates heterogeneous responses to targeted therapy.
    Time: 14:30. (NB: In Auditorium 1 at BBB this time.)
    Host: Donald Gullberg


    26.11.2015, Patrick Schöffski

    Speaker: Patrick Schöffski, the Laboratory of Experimental Oncology, the Department of Oncology, KU Leuven, Belgium.

    Title: “Modelling mesenchymal malignancies: development of patient-derived xenografts of soft tissue sarcomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumours and in vivo-drug testing with direct implications for clinical research (bedside to bench and back)
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen


    17.12.2015, Jarle Breivik

    Speaker: Jarle Breivik, Dept. of Behavioural Sciences in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo

    Title: "Cancer and aging: Facing realities and an uncertain future".
    Time: 14:30.
    Host: Lars A. Akslen




    Seminars in 2014

    30.01.2014, Karl-Henning Kalland,

    Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO), Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen:
    Heterogeneity and reprogramming plasticity of cancer cells – therapeutic possibilities.


    20.02.2014: Roger Strand,

    Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) and Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities (SVT), University of Bergen:
    Crossing the Styx


    20.03.2014, Cédric Gaggioli,

    Institute for Research on Cancer and Aging (IRCAN), Nice, France:
    Production of LIF cytokine by cancer cells and fibroblasts contributes to the establishment of a pro-invasive tumor microenvironment.


    24.04.2014, Angela Nieto,

    Instituto de Neurociencias Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)–Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH), San Juan de Alicante, Spain:
    Epithelial plasticity in development and disease


    22.05.2014, Emmet McCormack,

    Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen:
    Pharmacological inhibition of the SIRT1 deacetylase with the small molecule inhibitor Tenovin-6 enhances ablation of FLT3-ITD+ LSC in combination with TKI treatment.


    28.08.2014, Inge Jonassen

    Centre for Cancer Biomarkers and Computational Biology Unit, Department of Informatics, University of Bergen:

    Towards characterizing tumour microenvironments – experimental and computational approaches.


    02.10.2014, Zena Werb

    Department of Anatomy, and Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA:

    New insights into mechanisms underlying breast cancer metastasis


    30.10.2014, Boris Hinz

    Laboratory of Tissue Repair and Regeneration, University of Toronto, Canada

    Myofibroblasts can have it all: matrix mechanics, integrins, and pro-fibrotic growth factor activation


    27.11.2014, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

    Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen

    Oncogene-addicted cancer: chronic myelogen leukemia as a model of a tyrosine kinase driven malignancy


    18.12.2014, Arne Östman

    Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet,
    Stockholm, Sweden

    Impact of PDGFR-regulated fibroblasts and pericytes on tumor progression, prognosis and drug response


    Seminars in 2013

    29.8.2013: Lars A. Akslen.

    Director of CCBIO.

    CCBIO: Current concepts and challenges in cancer research.

    26.9.2013: Helga B. Salvesen.

    Co-Director of CCBIO.

    Individualized therapy based on molecular alterations in gynecologic cancer.

    31.10.2013: Oddbjørn Straume.

    CCBIO. Angiogenic biomarkers in malignant melanoma.

    25.11.2013: Sonja Loges.

    University Hospital Hamburg-Eppendorf, University Comprehensive Cancer. Center II, Medical Clinic & Institute of Tumor Biology. CCBIO Special Lecture:
    Role of Gas6 - Axl axis in malignant interaction with the host.

    28.11.2013: Bjørn Tore Gjertsen.

    CCBIO. Phosphoprotein signaling in acute myeloid leukemia.



    About the CCBIO Seminars
    The CCBIO Seminar series covers the full spectrum of research areas within CCBIO's research focus. Talks are held mainly by invited international speakers. Before each semester, it is possible to suggest speakers for the next semester of CCBIO Seminars. CCBIO provides financing for inviting speakers. The CCBIO Seminars series is part of a master- and a PhD course programme, BMED380 and CCBIO902 respectively, and is open to all that are interested in biomedical and biosciences research. Registration to the courses can be done at StudentWeb (for students requiring ECTS). Audience not requiring ECTS registration, does not need to register.

    Place, time, transport
    The seminars are normally held at BBB, Jonas Lies vei 91, 3rd floor, in auditorium 4, usually at 14.30 one Thursday per month. The auditorium is up the stairs on the right hand side after passing the reception at the BBB main entrance or is straight on when coming via the pedestrian bridge from Haukeland Hospital. For transport from downtown Bergen, you can consider using the Campusbussen.

    CCBIO Special Seminars: Please inform us about your guests
    If a renowned scientist within a relevant field is going to visit your group and would be willing to give a talk under the umbrella of the CCBIO Special Seminars, please let us know. If approved as a Special Seminar, CCBIO will provide part of the financing and assist with marketing. Contact Donald Gullberg if you have suggestions for speakers for the CCBIO Seminars at the scheduled dates or for a CCBIO Special Seminar outside these dates.


    If you want to suggest a speaker to any of the open slots, please get in touch with Carina Strell per email. In the email, you should include the following information: A short motivation, topic suggestion, a short bio of 4-5 lines, affiliation, CV or publication list and webpage of the speaker. CCBIO will select speakers among those suggested, using the following criteria: scientific excellence, topic of general interest, topic diversity. For CCBIO Special Seminars, please include what date you suggest for the talk. We prefer you to arrange for booking of one of the auditoria in the BB-Building for the CCBIO Special Seminar.

    Travel costs and reimbursement
    CCBIO will contribute with costs for the selected speakers up to 50% of the total costs for travel, lodging and sustenance/dinner. CCBIO's total contribution is capped at 15.000 NOK for overseas speakers and 8.000 NOK for European speakers. The rest will need to be covered by your funds. For flights, hotel and reimbursement you need to interact with your own department's administration according to your own department's procedures. After all the costs have been paid and you know the full amount, your financial officers can forward CCBIO’s part of the cost to CCBIO's financial coordinator Mildrid Bønes Høgås.

    Your responsibilities as a host
    If CCBIO agrees to your proposed guest speaker, you will be acting as host.

    This involves sending the following to Eli.Vidhammer@uib.no :

    • The short bio of 4-5 lines, affiliation, webpage of the speaker with bio and publication list, immediately after your candidate has been accepted by CCBIO.
    • A seminar title (as soon as possible after accepting, it can be changed later) as well as an abstract (approx. ½ a page; to be provided at the latest two weeks before the seminar).
    • You must inform the speaker 1) to give a general introduction at the start, 2) that the audience is composed of students, postdocs and faculty with diverse backgrounds, 3) to limit the lecture to approx. 45 min.

    In terms of logistics, following up your guest and the seminar itself, you need to:

    • Act as a liaison between the speaker and your own department's administration regarding transport and accommodation for the guest as well as reimbursement of travelling costs.
    • Arrange a social program for the guest during his/her stay.
    • Setup of the ppt.-presentation in the auditorium together with the speaker in due time before the start of the seminar. In case you prefer technical assistance, please contact Torstein Ravnskog at least one day in advance.
    • Ask the speaker to give a general introduction at the beginning of the talk placing his/her work/results into a broader perspective. Informing him/her that the lecture should not greatly exceed 45 minutes.
    • Chair the seminar which includes introducing the speaker and leading the discussion.
    • Snap some photos during the seminar, or make sure someone else does, for use in the CCBIO Annual Report, to be sent to Eli.Vidhammer@uib.no along with a short text about the seminar (topic, speaker, interesting points raised in the talk...)




    If a renowned scientist within a relevant field is going to visit your group and would be willing to give a talk under the umbrella of CCBIO's Special Seminars, please let us know. If approved as a Special Seminar, CCBIO will provide financing and assist with marketing as well as ordering pizza for an informal get-together following the talk. 

    Contact Donald Gullberg if you have suggestions for speakers for the CCBIO Seminars at the scheduled dates and Geir Olav Løken if you would like to suggest a CCBIO Special Seminar outside these dates. In the email, you should include the following information: Affiliation, CV or publication list and webpage of the speaker and a short motivation. CCBIO will select the speakers among those suggested, using the following criteria: scientific excellence, topic of general interest, topic diversity.

    Please see the menu point «CALL FOR PROPOSALS, FINANCING AND INFORMATION FOR HOSTS» for practicalities.

    For CCBIO Special Seminars you or your group need to book of one of the auditoria in the BB-Building (preferably Auditorium 4, or elsewhere if the BBB auditoria are not available) and to ensure that you have access to the room you have booked.