Centre for Crisis Psychology
Post doc

Anita Fjærestad, Dual competence candidate

Bereaved relatives after 22.07.2011 - the terror on Utøya

Main content

In her PhD project, Anita will look at qualitative data from in-depth interviews with relatives after the terror attack on Utøya.

The purpose of the project is to investigate how bereaved experience grief over time and what kind of experiences they have gained with professional help and treatment. She will use data collected from the follow-up study after the Utøya terror in her research.

Since 2019, she has worked 100% as a research assistant at the Centre for Crisis Psychology and 20% as a psychologist at the Clinic for Crisis Psychology AS. She will start her specialization in clinical psychology in January. Anita Fjærestad is also one of our two dual-competence fellows at the center in 2020. The positions are for up to seven years and provide both a doctorate and specialization in clinical psychology. The PhD research is funded by the Center for Crisis Psychology, while the specialization is funded by Helse Bergen HF.