Center for Digital Narrative

CDN Templates, Design and other Resources

Resources for employees and CDN affiliated staff.

Main content

Employee handbook

You can find useful and updated information in the Employee Handbook and the UiB Employee Pages.



Discord is the informal channel for internal communications at the centre. 

We also have an e-mail list, all.cdn@uib.no, that is being used for announcements and news. This list is maintained by Scott, Jill, Ola and Andreas.

Sign up for our newsletter.

CDN systems documentations

CDN maintains several IT-systems and these are documented at the following places:


Publications must be submitted to CRISTIN (Current Research Information System in Norway). Remember to acknowledge CDN and use our project number, 332643, when registering your results in CRISTIN.

    Acknowledging CDN in publications 

    In all scientific articles, the authors must state that the research has been partly financed by The Research Council's SFF scheme. This applies regardless of whether the research is financed by the basic funding or additional funding.

    The following expressions MUST be included in all publications: 

    • English: "Research Council of Norway" + "Centres of Excellence" + project number 332643. 

    • Norwegian: "Norges Forskningsråd" + "Sentre for fremragende forskning" + prosjektnummer 332643. 

    Suggestions for full sentences that can be used: 

    • English: "This work was partially supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence scheme, project number 332643" 

    • Norwegian: "Dette arbeidet er delvis finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom ordningen Sentre for fremragende forskning, prosjektnummer 332643." 

    Logos, templates and profile manual

    If you want to present your work, please use the CDN powerpoint template. We also have templates for word files.

    We have a profile manual for the centre that we encourage staff to follow, you can also download the logos and other graphical elements below.

    Absence and sick leave 

    As a general matter, we expect staff to be around CDN most of the time during work hours. Register travel and absence on the fancy whiteboard in the kitchen.

    Absence is when you are away from work, such as holidays, illness or short leave. You can read about the different types of absences at the UiB Employee pages. Please register your absences, sick days, or other leaves in the Self-Service Portal

    There is also a description for longer-term sick leave due to chronic disease or other causes at this link Sick leave | Employee Pages | UiB


    UiB has a travel policy that applies to alle employees. Information about preparations for travelling, credit card, booking using a travel agent, travel insurance and settlement of travel expenses can be found at UiB Employee pages. 

    LLE employees need to register their travel in advance on this form.

    Inviting a guest to CDN? 

    In order to provide access cards and workspace for guests arriving to CDN, we in the administration appreciate to be informed well in advance. We are also obligated to register visitors with the department.

    If you need a letter of invitation for your guest, please contact Scott or Ola. Some information that we need about our guests: 

    • Name of visitor

    • Email address 

    • Home institution (if any) 

    • Period of stay 

    • Funding source 

    • Contact person at CDN 

    Form for collecting information about guests coming to CDN: Visitors and guests to CDN (uib.no)

    Form for registering guests to LLE: Informasjon om gjester ved LLE / Information about guests at LLE (uib.no)

    Operating funds (Driftsmidler) 

    Scientific staff, PhDs and postdoctoral fellow have operating funds to cover expenses for their work this might be used for, professional travel, conference fee, purchase of books, purchase of additional IT equipment or software, course fees, or other relevant purchases or services. In addition, the PIs have operating funds allocated on a early basis that goes towards running their node. 

    Ordering stuff 

    All employees at the Faculty of Humanities should use UiBhelp when purchasing goods and services, such as catering, books, courses and conferences. Please also ask admin at CDN if you need help in purchasing.  

    Read about orderings at the Humanities Faculty: Bestilling – Det humanistiske fakultet | Ansattsider | UiB 

    Grants and applications 

    Information about support from HF-faculty for applications https://www.uib.no/hf/160989/s%C3%B8knadsst%C3%B8tte-forskning-ved-hf

    Larger grants for Forskningsrådet, Horizon Europe and similar needs to be announced to leadership at LLE for approval well in advance of the deadline. 

    As employee at UiB there are several smaller grants you can apply for, the most well-known are: The Meltzer foundation, the University foundation and grants announced by the LLE-department. 

    Meeting rooms

    At Langesgate 1-3, we have two meeting rooms: the Glass House and the meeting room located on the second floor of Langes gate 1. These can be booked using Outlook by searching for "CDN" in the room list. The lounge area is also listed in Outlook, but reservations for this space are limited to leadership and activities involving all staff at the center.