CISMAC Research Training Track
CISMAC Research Training Track for PhD and PostDoctoral fellows in Intervention Science

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Background: The CISMAC Research Training Track for PhD and PostDoctoral fellows in intervention science is part of our vision to strengthen research capacity in maternal and child health in all our partner institutions. The aim is to support PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows to acquire appropriate knowledge about and skills in relevant research methods which are required in the planning, implementation and analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and implementation research. Combined with the opportunity to participate in high quality CISMAC trials, participation in the track will support CISMAC junior researchers to become highly competent independent researchers.
Who is eligible for the CISMAC Research Training Track: Candidates enrolled in PhD programmes in the departments that are running CISMAC projects and postdoctoral fellows in these departments
The minimum requirements for completion of the CISMAC Research Training Track in intervention science will be:
- Core courses: Completed one course in RCTs (of minimum 3 ECTS or 2 weeks full-time) and one course in implementation research (of minimum 1.5 ECTS or 1 week full-time). Both core courses should be taken at institutions in the CISMAC consortium
- Elective courses: At least 10.5 ECTS (or 7 weeks full-time) courses relevant to RCTs, implementation research and/or maternal and child health. These may include statistical or other methodological courses. All the courses have to be at Master or PhD level to be approved, and can be taken at any higher learning institution.
Approval of other elements for PhD candidates: If a PhD candidate is the first author of a scientific paper related to RCTs or implementation research within the field of maternal and child health which will not be part of the PhD thesis and is published during the PhD period, this paper counts as 2 ECTS of elective courses.
Travel grants: We will announce 5 travel grants of up to 20,000 NOK per year. The grants can be used to pay for tickets, course fees and subsistence. Priority will be given to PhD-candidates and postdoctoral fellows involved in CISMAC-projects and who do not already have a running costs allocation linked to their fellowship. Travel grants can be given up to two times to the same person. Deadline for applications for travel grants: 2nd January. The application form for CISMAC Research Traing Track travel grant can be found here.
Approval of completed track: PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows can apply to the CISMAC Management for approval of the track upon completion of the requirements. Note that courses should be completed (and scientific papers published) within the past 5 years at the time of applying for approval. If the requirements are fulfilled, the fellow will receive a certificate from CISMAC. Please note that there will be no need to apply to enroll in the Research Training Track. The application form for Approval of CISMAC Research Training Track can be found here.
The following courses are projected to be organized by CISMAC and be part of the track (please follow our webpage for when they will be held, application deadlines etc.):
- Systematic review and meta-analysis
- Equity issues in RCTs
- “Advanced course in epidemiologic study design, analysis and inference” with Kenneth R. Rothman and Elizabeth Hatch
- Implementation research
- Cluster randomized trials