Water ESSENCE Africa - creating synergy to meet the global challenges
The project ESSENCE-Africa shall strengthen and innovate the teaching and learning processes, enhancing the capacities and capabilities of the graduate water programs.

Main content
The project addresses the challenges related to the unevenly distributed freshwater.
The situation is becoming even more challenging with the increasing population and urbanisation, unsustainable use of water and escalating impacts of the Climate Changes.
The project addresses these challenges through a matrix of three vertical cross-disciplinary issues on health, climate change, and energy, and two horizontal topics: gender equality, and digitalisation of education.
The project has evolved from NORHED I WaSo Africa.
The Water ESSENCE project cover activities on co-development and improvement of skills, knowledge, tools and other resources of the partner universities needed for the education of higher quality graduates of water-related study programs, conducting more and higher quality water research, and increasing their inclusiveness.
The target group of the project includes:
- Teaching and research academic staff working with water topic
- Administrative staff of HEIs operating water programs
- Students of water-related specialities
- External stakeholders from the water sector: industrial companies, end-users/utility owners, government institutions and civil society actors
- Stakeholders at public water sector, line ministries, policy makers and NGO's related to water
The vision
Sustainably developing world where global challenges of poverty, inequality, climate change and environmental degradation are reduced, while peace and justice is secured, leaving no one behind.
The mission
Strengthen the capacity and performance of higher education systems in Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Rwanda and Ghana empowering these countries in realising sustainable development transformation within Water-Health-Environment-Energy Nexus.