Master's Thesis in Politics and Governance of Global Challenges

Postgraduate course

Course description

Objectives and Content

The Master thesis is scholarly research intended to train students to pursue independent scientific work in close collaboration with a supervisor. Students will apply knowledge and skills they have acquired during the first three semesters of the program, as well as their own previous training and experience.

In the thesis research project, the student should demonstrate skills in planning, conducting, analyzing and reporting on the politics and governance of global challenges. The evaluation of the thesis will be based on thematic and theoretical relevance, methodological choices project design, and analytical and reflexive skills.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of the thesis the students should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student has in-depth knowledge of:

  • selected global challenges with a specific thematic focus and theoretical lens
  • the structural components of a Master's thesis including research questions, literature review, theory, analysis, and reflection
  • the ethical requirements of scientific research


The student has the ability to:

  • plan and conduct independent research projects under supervision and in accordance with research ethics
  • collect and critically appraise relevant data, critically review existing data, literature and theory relevant to the research topic
  • analyse and present empirical data in a structured and clear manner
  • write a scientific dissertation, critically reporting on, and discussing, the research process and findings
  • synthethize and communicate key research findings

General competence:

By the end of the course the student:

  • Can communicate extensively own independent research and assess that of others
  • Can engage in public debates on global challenges
  • Can contribute innovatively to addressing global challenges

ECTS Credits


Level of Study


Semester of Instruction

Required Previous Knowledge
Students must have completed the previous compulsory modules of the programme.
Credit Reduction due to Course Overlap
Access to the Course
Open to students registered in Master in Politics and Governance of Global Challenges.
Teaching and learning methods
The teaching method will consist of group and individual supervision. 
Compulsory Assignments and Attendance
Students are required to participate in the group supervision meetings, to present their thesis work, and to peer review other students' work.
Forms of Assessment

Master`s thesis of 40-50 pages (12000-15000 words, excluding the title page, table of contents, references, tables, and all attachments)

The exam will be given in the language in which the course is taught. 

The exam answer can be submitted in English.

Grading Scale
Graded A-F
Assessment Semester


Students with valid absence as defined in the UiB regulations § 5-5 can apply for an extended submission deadline to The application must be submitted before the deadline for submission has expired. A maximum of 14 days extension can be granted.

Reading List
There is no specified reading list for this course.
Course Evaluation
All courses are evaluated according to UiB's system for quality assurance of education.
Programme Committee
The Programme Committee is responsible for the content, structure and quality of the study programme and courses. 
Course Administrator
The Department of Government at the Faculty of Social Sciences has the administrative responsibility for the course and the study programme.