Student | Project title | Main supervisor | Completed |
Hedvig Villmark | Evaluating survival and relative abundance of bacterial species in an invitro model of fecal commensals | Runar Stokke | 2024 |
Ivan Patrick Tualla | Identification, expression, and biochemical characterization of plastic-degrading enzymes from extremophilic bacteria at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridges (AMOR) deep-sea hydrothermal vents | Runar Stokke | 2024 |
Hallvard Jacobsen | Characterization of the novel strain Pseudodesulfovibrio. sp. ægir | Mari H. Eilertsen | 2024 |
Emilie Kristine Nygaard | Identification, production and characterization of novel marine enzymes | Mari H. Eilertsen | 2024 |
Ramsha Iqbal | Heterologous production, purification and substrate usage of a variant of the marine globupain protease | Mari H. Eilertsen | 2024 |
Heine Rugland | Quantifying earth system interactions during the last glacial period | Bjarte Hannisdal | 2024 |
Anna Tomine R. Sørensen | Revisiting the fauna of the Jan Mayen vent fields | Mari H. Eilertsen | 2024 |
Maja Lian Jæger | Geochemistry and geochronology along the Mohns Ridge | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2024 |
Susann Rüdiger | Analysis of the prokaryotic groups evading universal primers in deep sea sediments | Sven Le Moine Bauer | 2024 |
Tamsin Earnshaw Meihack | Metamorphic Growth of Elongate Olivine of Extreme Size from Nordværnes, Northern Norway | Desiree Roerdink | 2024 |
Ida Færestrand Solberg | Formation of manganese crust along the spreading axis – degree of hydrothermal influence | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2024 |
Thilde Jusine Tønnessen Voje | Fluorinating the oceanic crust: probing the cryptic fluoride sink in seafloor hydrothermal systems | Eoghan Reeves | 2024 |
Marte Bleken Klemetsdal | Fauna of cold seeps in the Arctic | Mari H. Eilertsen | 2023 |
Katrine Almås | Tracing copper from source to sink during acid mine drainage at Røros Kobberverk, E Norway | Desiree Roerdink | 2023 |
Erik Lund-Tønnesen | Characterization of Benthic Megafauna Community Structure at One Newly Discovered Hydrothermally Active Site on Mohn’s Treasure, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge, Employing Image Analysis | Pedro Ribeiro | 2023 |
Marte R. Syvderud | Trophic ecology of peripheral fauna at the Fåvne hydrothermal vent field on the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge | Pedro Ribeiro | 2023 |
Sofie Gjærlow | Characterisation of Megabenthic Community Structure at the Fåvne Hydrothermal Vent Field, with Implications for Environmental Management of Seabed Mining | Pedro Ribeiro | 2023 |
Solveig Adine Osjord | Visualizing three-dimensional variations in the geochemistry of black smokers | Desiree Roerdink | 2023 |
Idar Martin Knutsen | Listvenite formation at Gråberget, east-central Norway. A natural analogue for geological CO2 sequestration involving sulphide mineralization. | Desiree Roerdink | 2023 |
Martine Jansen Berge | The behaviour of (heavy) metals during alkaline mine drainage from the abandoned Feragen chromite mines, East-Central Norway | Desiree Roerdink | 2023 |
Anders Lund | Environmental consequences from the mining industry at Litlabø, Stord | Haflidi Haflidason | 2023 |
Lotte Johannessen | Investigating multiple sulfur isotope variations in active hydrothermal chimneys and fluids from the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridges | Desiree Roerdink | 2022 |
Marie Wold | Geochemistry of sulfide mineralization from the Fåvne vent field, the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridges | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2022 |
Tonje Kilhavn | Experimental investigation of the Stability of nickel in low temperature olivine environments | Andreas Beinlich | 2022 |
Karen Moltubakk | Detecting anaerobic methane oxidation coupled to sulfate reduction in hydrothermal sediments | Desiree Roerdink | 2022 |
Amalie Mathiassen | Bottom structures in the Aurlandsfjord/Flåm: Active or inactive leakage structures (pockmarks) - formation, age and (bio)geochemical processes | Haflidi Haflidason | 2022 |
Sunniva Alsaker | Mineralization in hydrothermal systems mapped in the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex - Geochemical characterization in shear zones related to the oceanic stage | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2021 |
Halfdan Arstein | Deciphering the metamorphic framework of ophiolite alteration and devolatilization at Linnajarvi, N-Norway | Andreas Beimlich | 2021 |
Sondre Olai Spjeld | Metagenomics-based discovery of novel carbohydrate degrading enzymes from deep-sea hydrothermal in situ enrichments; expression, purification and characterization | Runar Stokke | 2021 |
Simen Saltvedt | The formation of the ophiolitic terrane of SW Norway - relationships between immature island arc volcanic sequences and trondhjemitic complexes on Bømlo | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2021 |
Trond Fjellet | Geochemical characteristics of the volcanogenic massive sulfied mineralizations on Bømlo and Stord islands, Sunnhordaland, SW Norway | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2021 |
Frida Riple Forsberg | Geochemical characteristics of the gold-bearing quartz veins in the Lykling area, Bømlo, SW Norway | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2021 |
Desiree Maloney | Identification of microplastics in oceanic water samples | Linn Merethe Brekke Olsen | 2021 |
Matz Sagebakken Slotnes | Detrital zircon provenance of the Bremnes Complex on Bømlo, SW Norway | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2021 |
Amalie Skreden Erga | A detailed field and geochemical investigation of the volcanic sequence in the Våganes-area: The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2021 |
Øystein Brandsæter Asserson | Geobiokjemiske prosesser i bunnsedimentene i Førdefjorden | Ingunn H. Thorseth | 2021 |
Chanakan Boonawa | Geochemistry of novel vent fluids from the newly discovered 72.2 degrees N ("NPD/Hel") hydrothermal system on the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridge | Eoghan Reeves | 2021 |
Rasmus Rikter-Svendsen | Distribution of thermochemical output and associated ecosystens at Loki's Castle hydrothermal field | Thibaut Barreyre | 2020 |
Maria Salem | Quantifying Earth System interactions across Mid-Pleistocene Transitions | Bjarte Hannisdal | 2020 |
Ingvild Aarrestad | Using stable copper isotopes to trace contamination from two historical mining sites in Norway | Desiree Roerdink | 2020 |
Steven Goulaouic | Characterization and distribution of microbial communities associated to hydrothermal systems on Milos Island, Greece | Sven Le Moine Bauer | 2019 |
Thomas Viflot | Evidence for extensive conductive cooling and microbial carbon transformations in diffuse hydrothermal fluids from Loki´s Castle Vent Field | Eoghan Reeves | 2019 |
Martin Kjeilen Steinseide | Altered rocks along faults annd fractures in the Norwegian strandflat - hydrothermal alteration fluids or Jurassic deep weathering? | Ingunn H. Thorseth | 2019 |
Hannah Babel | Metabolic properties of hyperthermophilic sulfate-reducing archaea of the genus Archaeoglobus in deep-sea hydrothermal vent systems | Ida Helene Steen | 2019 |
Ida Marie Lervåg | Characterization of novel viral proteins - A potential for bioprospecting | Ruth-Anne Sandaa | 2019 |
Christine Holberg Østensvig | A faunistic study of the amphipod-fauna of Hjeltefjord, West Norway | Anne Helene Tandberg | 2019 |
Solveig Lie Onstad | Seafloor accretion along a magma starved spreading ridge | Cédric Hamelin | 2018 |
Henrike Wilborn | Formation proceses and environment for jasper and chert deposits on the West coast of Norway: a textural and geochemical study | Ingunn Thorseth | 2017 |
Håvard Stubseid | Geological evolution and stratigraphic relationships of the ophiolitic terrane in the outer Hardangerfjord area: evidence from geochronology and geochemistry | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2017 |
Vilde Bakke | Volcanic rocks at the Møre Marginal High: geochemistry, petrogenesis and emplacement mechanisms | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2017 |
Andreas Lambach Viken | Accretionary history of Lower Ordovician island arc complexes on Bømlo: evidence from detrital zircon dating and geochemical data | Rolf Birger Pedersen | 2017 |
Andreas Sæbø | Izu-Bonin rear-arc magmatism: geochemical investigation of volcanoclastic material | Cédric Hamelin | 2017 |
Randi Storeide | Geochemistry of lava samples collected near the oceanic detachments at 13°N along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge | Cédric Hamelin | 2017 |
Tarje Lyngtveit | Geochemical and microtextural characteristics reflect the formation mechanics of laminated iron deposits at the Perle & Bruse and Troll Wall vent fields | Ingunn Thorseth | 2017 |
Signe Haukelidsæter | Textural and geochemical characteristics of iron deposits at the Jan Mayen vent field: implications for formation mechanisms | Ingunn Thorseth | 2017 |
Ole Johan Hornenes | Unraveling distinctive sulfide mineralization and hydrothermal alteration on shallow seafloor hydrothermal systems | Filipa Marques | 2017 |
Cassandra Berntsen | Benthic ecology and trophic interactions at Loki's Castle vent field | Hans Tore Rapp | 2017 |
Hilde Dybevik | Revision of the family Heteropiidae (Porifera, Calcarea) in the northernmost North Atlantic Ocean | Hans Tore Rapp | 2017 |
Nicholas Hawkes | Epibenthic megafauna associated with sponge grouns formed by the unique glass sponge Vazella pourtalesii in Emerald Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada | Hans Tore Rapp | 2017 |
Tone Ulvatn | A reverse taxonomic approach to assess the community composition of sponge grounds in the Nordic Seas | Hans Tore Rapp | 2017 |