Centre for Deep Sea Research

Completed MSc projects

Many masters students have completed their research at the Centre for Deep Sea Research (and prior to that at the K.G. Jebsen Centre for Deep Sea Research between 2017 and 2021). The master thesis of students from the University of Bergen are available by clicking on the links in the table. If you have interest in some work where the link is not available, please contact the supervisor.

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The list below displays completed MSc projects at CDeepSea.

StudentProject titleMain supervisorCompleted
Hedvig Villmark

Evaluating survival and relative abundance of bacterial species in an invitro model of fecal commensals

Runar Stokke2024
Ivan Patrick Tualla

Identification, expression, and biochemical characterization of plastic-degrading enzymes from extremophilic bacteria at the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridges (AMOR) deep-sea hydrothermal vents

Runar Stokke2024

Hallvard Jacobsen

Characterization of the novel strain Pseudodesulfovibrio. sp. ægir

Mari H. Eilertsen2024
Emilie Kristine Nygaard

Identification, production and characterization of novel marine enzymes

Mari H. Eilertsen2024
Ramsha Iqbal

Heterologous production, purification and substrate usage of a variant of the marine globupain protease

Mari H. Eilertsen2024
Heine RuglandQuantifying earth system interactions during the last glacial periodBjarte Hannisdal2024

Anna Tomine R. Sørensen
Revisiting the fauna of the Jan Mayen vent fieldsMari H. Eilertsen2024
Maja Lian Jæger

Geochemistry and geochronology along the Mohns Ridge

Rolf Birger Pedersen2024
Susann Rüdiger

Analysis of the prokaryotic groups evading universal primers in deep sea sediments

Sven Le Moine Bauer2024
Tamsin Earnshaw Meihack

Metamorphic Growth of Elongate Olivine of Extreme Size from Nordværnes, Northern Norway

Desiree Roerdink2024

Ida Færestrand Solberg

Formation of manganese crust along the spreading axis – degree of hydrothermal influenceRolf Birger Pedersen2024
Thilde Jusine Tønnessen Voje

Fluorinating the oceanic crust: probing the cryptic fluoride sink in seafloor hydrothermal systems  

Eoghan Reeves2024
Marte Bleken Klemetsdal

Fauna of cold seeps in the Arctic

Mari H. Eilertsen2023
Katrine AlmåsTracing copper from source to sink during acid mine drainage at Røros Kobberverk, E NorwayDesiree Roerdink2023
Erik Lund-TønnesenCharacterization of Benthic Megafauna Community Structure at One Newly Discovered Hydrothermally Active Site on Mohn’s Treasure, Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge, Employing Image AnalysisPedro Ribeiro2023
Marte R. SyvderudTrophic ecology of peripheral fauna at the Fåvne hydrothermal vent field on the Arctic Mid-Ocean RidgePedro Ribeiro2023
Sofie GjærlowCharacterisation of Megabenthic Community Structure at the Fåvne Hydrothermal Vent Field, with Implications for Environmental Management of Seabed MiningPedro Ribeiro2023
Solveig Adine OsjordVisualizing three-dimensional variations in the geochemistry of black smokersDesiree Roerdink2023
Idar Martin KnutsenListvenite formation at Gråberget, east-central Norway. A natural analogue for geological CO2 sequestration involving sulphide mineralization.Desiree Roerdink2023
Martine Jansen Berge

The behaviour of (heavy) metals during alkaline mine drainage from the abandoned Feragen chromite mines, East-Central Norway

Desiree Roerdink2023
Anders LundEnvironmental consequences from the mining industry at Litlabø, StordHaflidi Haflidason2023

Lotte Johannessen

Investigating multiple sulfur isotope variations in active hydrothermal chimneys and fluids from the Arctic Mid Ocean Ridges

Desiree Roerdink2022
Marie WoldGeochemistry of sulfide mineralization from the Fåvne vent field, the Arctic Mid Ocean RidgesRolf Birger Pedersen2022
Tonje KilhavnExperimental investigation of the Stability of nickel in low temperature olivine environmentsAndreas Beinlich2022
Karen MoltubakkDetecting anaerobic methane oxidation coupled to sulfate reduction in hydrothermal sedimentsDesiree Roerdink2022
Amalie MathiassenBottom structures in the Aurlandsfjord/Flåm: Active or inactive leakage structures (pockmarks) - formation, age and (bio)geochemical processesHaflidi Haflidason2022
Sunniva AlsakerMineralization in hydrothermal systems mapped in the Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite Complex - Geochemical characterization in shear zones related to the oceanic stageRolf Birger Pedersen2021
Halfdan ArsteinDeciphering the metamorphic framework of ophiolite alteration and devolatilization at Linnajarvi, N-Norway Andreas Beimlich2021
Sondre Olai SpjeldMetagenomics-based discovery of novel carbohydrate degrading enzymes from deep-sea hydrothermal in situ enrichments; expression, purification and characterizationRunar Stokke2021
Simen SaltvedtThe formation of the ophiolitic terrane of SW Norway - relationships between immature island arc volcanic sequences and trondhjemitic complexes on BømloRolf Birger Pedersen2021
Trond FjelletGeochemical characteristics of the volcanogenic massive sulfied mineralizations on Bømlo and Stord islands, Sunnhordaland, SW NorwayRolf Birger Pedersen2021
Frida Riple ForsbergGeochemical characteristics of the gold-bearing quartz veins in the Lykling area, Bømlo, SW NorwayRolf Birger Pedersen2021
Desiree MaloneyIdentification of microplastics in oceanic water samplesLinn Merethe Brekke Olsen2021
Matz Sagebakken SlotnesDetrital zircon provenance of the Bremnes Complex on Bømlo, SW NorwayRolf Birger Pedersen2021
Amalie Skreden ErgaA detailed field and geochemical investigation of the volcanic sequence in the Våganes-area: The Solund-Stavfjord Ophiolite ComplexRolf Birger Pedersen2021
Øystein Brandsæter AssersonGeobiokjemiske prosesser i bunnsedimentene i FørdefjordenIngunn H. Thorseth2021
Chanakan BoonawaGeochemistry of novel vent fluids from the newly discovered 72.2 degrees N ("NPD/Hel") hydrothermal system on the Arctic Mid Ocean RidgeEoghan Reeves2021
Rasmus Rikter-SvendsenDistribution of thermochemical output and associated ecosystens at Loki's Castle hydrothermal fieldThibaut Barreyre2020
Maria SalemQuantifying Earth System interactions across Mid-Pleistocene TransitionsBjarte Hannisdal2020
Ingvild AarrestadUsing stable copper isotopes to trace contamination from two historical mining sites in NorwayDesiree Roerdink2020
Steven GoulaouicCharacterization and distribution of microbial communities associated to hydrothermal systems on Milos Island, GreeceSven Le Moine Bauer2019
Thomas ViflotEvidence for extensive conductive cooling and microbial carbon transformations in diffuse hydrothermal fluids from Loki´s Castle Vent FieldEoghan Reeves2019
Martin Kjeilen SteinseideAltered rocks along faults annd fractures in the Norwegian strandflat - hydrothermal alteration fluids or Jurassic deep weathering?Ingunn H. Thorseth2019
Hannah BabelMetabolic properties of hyperthermophilic sulfate-reducing archaea of the genus Archaeoglobus in deep-sea hydrothermal vent systemsIda Helene Steen2019
Ida Marie LervågCharacterization of novel viral proteins - A potential for bioprospectingRuth-Anne Sandaa 2019
Christine Holberg ØstensvigA faunistic study of the amphipod-fauna of Hjeltefjord, West NorwayAnne Helene Tandberg2019
Solveig Lie OnstadSeafloor accretion along a magma starved spreading ridgeCédric Hamelin2018
Henrike WilbornFormation proceses and environment for jasper and chert deposits on the West coast of Norway: a textural and geochemical studyIngunn Thorseth2017
Håvard StubseidGeological evolution and stratigraphic relationships of the ophiolitic terrane in the outer Hardangerfjord area: evidence from geochronology and geochemistryRolf Birger Pedersen2017
Vilde BakkeVolcanic rocks at the Møre Marginal High: geochemistry, petrogenesis and emplacement mechanismsRolf Birger Pedersen2017
Andreas Lambach VikenAccretionary history of Lower Ordovician island arc complexes on Bømlo: evidence from detrital zircon dating and geochemical dataRolf Birger Pedersen2017
Andreas SæbøIzu-Bonin rear-arc magmatism: geochemical investigation of volcanoclastic materialCédric Hamelin2017
Randi StoreideGeochemistry of lava samples collected near the oceanic detachments at 13°N along the Mid-Atlantic RidgeCédric Hamelin2017
Tarje LyngtveitGeochemical and microtextural characteristics reflect the formation mechanics of laminated iron deposits at the Perle & Bruse and Troll Wall vent fieldsIngunn Thorseth2017
Signe HaukelidsæterTextural and geochemical characteristics of iron deposits at the Jan Mayen vent field: implications for formation mechanismsIngunn Thorseth2017
Ole Johan HornenesUnraveling distinctive sulfide mineralization and hydrothermal alteration on shallow seafloor hydrothermal systemsFilipa Marques2017
Cassandra BerntsenBenthic ecology and trophic interactions at Loki's Castle vent fieldHans Tore Rapp2017
Hilde DybevikRevision of the family Heteropiidae (Porifera, Calcarea) in the northernmost North Atlantic OceanHans Tore Rapp2017
Nicholas HawkesEpibenthic megafauna associated with sponge grouns formed by the unique glass sponge Vazella pourtalesii in Emerald Basin, Nova Scotia, CanadaHans Tore Rapp2017
Tone UlvatnA reverse taxonomic approach to assess the community composition of sponge grounds in the Nordic SeasHans Tore Rapp2017