2018: Tablets could replace insulin injections
Research concludes that medicine in the form of tablets could replace insulin injections for children with neonatal diabetes.

Maren Toftdahl
Main content
Updated: 21.02.2022 (First published: 06.06.2018)
15 years ago, Therese (16) was the first patient in Norway that recieved treatment in the form of tablets. She administer tablets that replace insulin injections, and research concludes that she likely could keep doing this for the rest of her life.

Julie A. Teigen
Professor Pål R. Njølstad og and researchers at the University of Bergen discovered that some children are born with mutations in a gene encoding a channel in the cells that produce insulin. The researchers knew that sulfonylurea tablets bind to this channel, and started wondering if these patients could be treated with sulfonylurea tablets.