Norwegian climate attitudes
Wonder what Norwegians think about climate change? In this article, we have gathered some of the communication material produced by the Norwegian Citizen Panel's thematic research unit Climate and environment.

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Spring 2021, the coordinators of the thematic research cluster Climate and environment (KM), Thea Gregersen, Gisela Böhm and Dag Elgesem, applied for money for a dissemination project based on data collected through the Norwegian Citizen Panel. The money was granted by the strategic area “Climate and Environment” at UiB.
We have asked PhD Candidate Thea Gregersen to tell us more about their dissemination project.
- We applied for money both to (1) collect new data through NCP wave 22 and (2) create videos and other types of communication material aimed at the public, she says.
Tell us more about who you are hoping to reach out to?
- Journalists, politicians, the general public... Everyone really! I hope that our data can help start conversations, Gregersen adds.
The whole project team was involved in creating and deciding on new question to ask, while Thea Gregersen was responsible for the communication part of the project. The three videos were created together with Læringslab. The company Anti help create the infographics.
- What motivates you in your dissemination work?
- Writing on my academic papers or the synopsis for my PhD can sometimes feel a bit distant from everything going on around me. I often feel more useful when I’m teaching or reporting on new findings from the Norwegian Citizen Panel. For example, it’s not unusual that it takes a year to get a paper published, but the Norwegian Citizen Panel makes it possible to be a part of the current public debate. Some say that “the best way to learn is to teach.” I really think the dissemination work helps my research.
- If you had to highlight just one of the climate attitude questions, which one do you find most interesting? Why?
‘Worry’ is the one I work the most with in my research, so that one has a special place in my heart. I think it’s interesting with regards to differences between sociodemographic groups and how it has changed (or not) during the pandemic.
- If you could go back in time and start another time-series in the Citizen Panel in 2013, what would the question concern?
One thing I am interested in now is possible changes in the perceived scientific consensus regarding the human causes and negative consequences of climate change. And it could be nice to have a question on hope in addition to worry. Other than that, Gisle Andersen, Kjersti Fløttum and I (with the help of NORCE and CET) currently have a little project I call the “Time Series Saviors” where we try to map questions we have asked repeatedly during the last 9 years and make sure we continue as many relevant time series as possible.
- Check out this comprehensive infographic highlighting some of the data related to climate attitudes from the Norwegian Citizen Panel 2013-2021.
In this YouTube video Gregersen explains Norwegian climate attitudes and psychological distance, in Norwegian: "Norske klimaholdninger: Psykologisk distanse"
In this YouTube video Gregersen explains Norwegian climate attitudes and efficacy beliefs, in Norwegian: "Norske klimaholdninger: Mestring"
In this YouTube video Gregersen explains Norwegian climate attitudes and finite pool of worry, in Norwegian: "Norske klimaholdninger: Bekymring"