Employee Pages
Candidate to the University Board - Group C

Morten-Christian Bernson

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My name is Morten-Christian Bernson, 43 years old, girlfriend for 23 years and one son.  I have worked at UiB since 2000, first at the Department of Chemistry, then at the central IT department.  I have led many projects and worked in several groups at the IT department, and the last years I have been in charge of all the storage and backup at UiB.

In advance to my work, I have taken on many roles.  I have been deputy for the union NTL UiB for two periods, been a board member for NTL UIB for many years and as a representative from NTL I have been in the central committee for hiring of technical staff at UiB, member of “IDU” for the central administration, member of many committees and groups.  I have also been a deputy representative for the University Board for several periods before.

Outside of work I have also had many positions like leader of the local resident’s association, leader of the parents association at my sons school, juror and co-judge in the court of appeal and many others.  I also run the local programming club for kids at Askøy where they learn to program and make games. 

If I am elected, I will work to improve the office situation for everyone at UiB.  There is a lot of research that indicates that it might not be a good idea to put too many on too little space.  Maybe UiB should oppose the rules put in place for how much space each person should get from the government.  The individual employee should have an office situation that makes you thrive and enjoy your time at work and makes you able to do the best job you can do.  If that is an open office-solution, activity-based offices, or single offices, you should get whatever makes you able to do the best job you can do.  In 2019 I took initiative for a debate meeting about this theme at UiB:

Themes that I am very passionate about are climate, privacy and electric cars – I have been driving an electric car since 1998.

I hope you will vote for me.  If you have any questions, please contact me at mcb@uib.no